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prolonged custody for an alleged organizer

The custody of one of the alleged organizers of the wild party which brought together some 2,500 people at New Year’s Eve near Rennes was extended on Sunday and he will be referred on Monday, the prosecution having indicated that he would request his detention on remand .

The person whose custody has been extended is one of the two men arrested on Saturday in Iffendic (Ille-et-Vilaine), said Rennes prosecutor Philippe Astruc in a statement.

Born in 1998 and without a criminal record, “he will be referred Monday to the Rennes prosecutor’s office” where judicial information will be opened. “In order to preserve future investigations, requests for placement in pre-trial detention will be supported,” said the prosecutor.

Questioned within the framework of the investigation aiming to identify and search the organizers, he indicates “to have been a simple participant and to have been authorized exceptionally to mix by the organizers” but “his remarks denying any involvement as an organizer are contradicted in particular by the telephony elements “.

Sending more than 1,000 people to the rave location

According to the magistrate, the investigation revealed “the sending to more than 1,000 people of the exact location of the rave party on Thursday, December 31 at the end of the afternoon” and “his mobile phone terminal in Lieuron on the 31st. December in the early afternoon (when the equipment was discreetly installed on the premises) “. According to Philippe Astruc, “the investigations indicate that he is not the only organizer of this free party”.

The investigations are continuing “in order to identify and question all the organizers of this illegal gathering”, adds the prosecutor.

The second man arrested in Iffendic was released and “will be prosecuted by tort order for drug use”.

The six other people arrested on Saturday during the checks carried out following the dispersion of the party were also all released.

The custody of three consumers of narcotic products gave rise to “the usual consequences in terms of use”. The custody of a fourth “for the concealment of the theft of a briefcase from the gendarmerie located in the burnt vehicle and carrying a category D weapon (a cutter) gave rise to a summons before the criminal court of Rennes “, detailed Mr. Astruc.

Two drivers, holders of sound equipment and a generator (low power) were also released, “no offense can be characterized as it is after verification,” said the magistrate.

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