Home » today » Business » Project is aimed at indebted people – free advice on money worries – Mannheim

Project is aimed at indebted people – free advice on money worries – Mannheim

Mannheim. People who have got into financial difficulties due to the corona pandemic can take advantage of free advice from Mannheimer Caritas from September. A new project opens the debt counseling “also for those who have earned income. So far, this was limited to people who received Hartz IV, basic security or a pension, ”said Caritas in a press release.

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The corona crisis has “led to people who have previously got along well with their income, can no longer cover their liabilities or can only cover them with the greatest effort”. The aid packages offer “the possibility to postpone the expenses for rent, loans, insurance and energy supply until later, but this often only postpones the problem instead of solving it,” explains Caritas department head Stefanie Paul.

Debt counseling is already recording a corona-related increase in counseling sessions – and is expecting a high increase in personal bankruptcies. Such financial emergencies often lead to “critical life events that are associated with high psychological stress and often cannot be overcome without professional help”.

“We want to support those affected at an early stage in evaluating and regulating their debts, before debt turns into over-indebtedness,” says Paul. This includes an analysis of the financial situation, budget advice, measures to secure a living and psychosocial advice.

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Caritas debt advice: Telephone 0621/43031050

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