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Project CARS 3 abandoned pit stops, tire wear and fuel consumption – Gambling

news/95176/V_Project_CARS_3_otkazalis_ot_pit-stopov_iznosa_shin_i_rashoda_topliva.html"> Authors Project CARS 3 in the first development diary unexpectedly announcedthat get rid of a number of genre features. –

First of all, we are talking about the rejection of pit stops, fuel consumption and tire wear.

According to the designer of car simulator Nick Pop, getting rid of these elements will allow you to realize a much higher level of competition, focusing on the races themselves, and not on distracting moments.

Fans, however, took the news with skepticism: what kind of car simulator is it now? Rather, an arcade with elements of a simulator. Something at the level GRID or DriveClub. Perhaps it is not surprising, because some of the authors are working on the game Motorstorm и DriveClub.

The race comes out on August 28 on the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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