Home » today » Business » PROINVERSION participated in the socialization of the San Juan de Marcona Port Project with union representatives and local authorities

PROINVERSION participated in the socialization of the San Juan de Marcona Port Project with union representatives and local authorities

In December 2023, PROINVERSIÓN and the MTC declared the new port terminal of interest with a concession term of 30 years.

The Private Investment Promotion Agency (PROINVERSIÓN) developed with municipal authorities, representatives of civil society and local interest groups of the city of Marcona (Ica), various socialization meetings in the town of Marcona (Ica) with the objective to inform and collect queries about the development of the Public-Private Partnership project “New Port Terminal of San Juan de Marcona”, which contemplates a reference investment of US$ 405 million dollars.

These meetings were led by the director of Port Projects of PROINVERSIÓN, Ernesto Guevara and his team of specialists, who explained the details of the project and answered the questions of the attendees, among whom were the district mayor, representatives of the Captaincy of Port, the Chamber of Commerce, the hotel union, restaurants, merchants, artisanal fishermen, and local interest groups of the Marcona district.

The project director, Ernesto Guevara, emphasized that this new port project, whose infrastructure will be for public use, will seek to boost foreign trade in the south of the country, generating a favorable impact on the production of goods and services; as well as in the generation of employment for the benefit of the inhabitants of the area of ​​influence.

He reiterated that for PROINVERSION it is important to socialize the project with the authorities and the community. For this reason, he pointed out, this process has begun with two informative workshops, “Basically we have exposed the scope and benefits of the “New Port Terminal of San Juan de Marcona” project, as well as the contractual framework, in order to highlight the differences and benefits. that PPPs have compared to other investment modalities,” said the project director, Ernesto Guevara.

“We have managed to get the audience to assimilate this idea, this port terminal will be an infrastructure for public use framed in the Public-Private Association (PPP) modality, which as such has a concession contract that contemplates all the duties and obligations, as well as also the corresponding sanctions in case of non-compliance by the concessionaire,” he said.

The head of the office of the National Port Authority in Marcona (APN), Luis Barragán, indicated that, as a specialized technical organization, they will develop and promote the port project in conjunction with PROINVERSIÓN. “We believe that it is a good starting point by convening all civil society and State institutions to report on the benefits of the port project that develops different technical aspects and, within them, are the socio-environmental aspects and contractual commitments,” he highlighted.

For his part, the president of the Marcona Chamber of Commerce, Jorge Luis Falconi, welcomed the development of these socialization meetings, pointing out that the information offered by PROINVERSION specialists has been very useful to them, by establishing a different perspective than the one initially They knew about the San de Juan de Marcona port project.

“For us it is gratifying to hear, first of all, that there is a present State, with the intervention of several entities that participate in the preparation of all the phases of this port project, and that they managed to establish a contract that allows the concessionaire company to comply with various obligations. acquired. “We, as an organization that ensures the commercial growth of the entire district, are eager to collaborate and support all the logistical and human resources material that this project requires and entails,” he added.

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– 2024-05-11 21:28:45

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