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Prohibition of demonstrations with tractors in multiple safety regions

After Utrecht, other safety regions are also banning demonstrations with agricultural vehicles. These are the regions of Groningen, Flevoland and the Gooi- and Vecht region.

The bans come shortly before the action of the Farmers Defense Force (FDF). That farmers’ movement wants to demonstrate tomorrow against the government’s nitrogen policy. In particular, they are opposed to the government’s plan to reduce the amount of protein in animal feed. The aim is to reduce nitrogen emissions in this way, but according to the farmers, their animals suffer.

The three safety regions report that a ban on demonstrations involving agricultural vehicles has been introduced from midnight to Wednesday at 11:59 p.m.

Previous ban in Utrecht

The Utrecht Safety Region had previously banned actions involving agricultural vehicles. That was because the FDF was unable to indicate how many tractors are coming to the demonstration. The demonstrators are also not welcome at the RIVM building, where they wanted to take action. However, there is room for 2000 people at the Biltse Rading. Army vehicles shield the RIVM building.

The FDF responded to the ban in Utrecht by calling on its supporters to come by car. Foreman Mark den Oever also said that he “cannot blame any farmer” if he does drive the tractor.

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