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prohibited foods on a healthy diet

Although many diets include apparently healthy foods (such as corn or green beans), some experts agree that the treatment and the way in which they are produced is not as beneficial to humans as it seems.

A healthy and balanced diet with large amounts of fruits and vegetables. That is usually the premise for those who seek to be fit without losing an ounce of their good health. For this, it is important that vegetables and dairy products, as well as other foods rich in nutrients beneficial to the body have a great role in each menu of the day.

For example, cabbage, green beans or corn are part of any type of culinary because of their potent properties, but is everything they tell us about these foods true? Do not miss the list of the seven foods that, although they insist on telling us that they are healthy, they have an unknown facet that You may be less healthy.

1. Whole wheat bread

It’s time to eat, you sit at the table and … don’t deny it, you want to dip the chicken that makes it tastier in that sauce! What worries you that bread makes you fat? Then, you take advantage of the integral … Meeeeec, error! Because the ingredients in this bread are genetically manipulated, whole wheat can cause celiac disease and other problems related to intestinal inflammation.

2. Lactose free cream

Milk and lactose-free creams contain large doses of corn syrup, a liquid sweetener created from starch that contains fructose and it damages the liver. Unlike glucose, fructose has more harmful effects on the metabolism and the vascular system.

3. Dietary soda

The artificial sweeteners contained in this drink confuse our body and the metabolism increases your body weight. In addition, due to the citric acid typical of soda, aggressive dental erosion occurs as well as the destruction of the natural enamel of the teeth, so they will turn yellow.

To the list of consequences of the ingestion of this drink are added cerebrovascular accidents and problems of osteoporosis, as well as depressing reactions and severe headaches.

4. Outbreaks

We cannot deny it: bean or pea sprouts (known as sprouts in the scientific field) contain a large amount of protein, so much that they can be comparable to the percentage of meat, eggs or milk, but without adding the fat they contain. What is the problem, then? Very simple: they need to be in very humid conditions to be able to germinate and those same circumstances are the ones that allow the proliferation of potentially dangerous bacteria, such as E. coli or listeria.

5. Flavored popcorn

Who does not drool when, when passing through the door of a cinema, perceives the pleasant smell of popcorn? Indeed, this glorious snack snack does not get as fat as other ultra-processed foods, such as chips or snacks.

However, what is healthy has a trick: they will only be beneficial for your body (they have a high capacity to quench hunger and very limited fats) if they are homemade, since those of the bag that are made in the microwave pecan excess salt and a high content of vegetable oils.

What do you like butter? Well, you don’t save yourself either! These are the ones that have a high content of diacetyl, that chemical component that gives it an insurmountable taste … in addition to accelerating the onset of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

6. Green Beans

It’s been a long time since vegetables and vegetables They are not what they were (or if not, try to eat a tomato from your grandfather’s garden and eat another one you bought, you will not want for anything in the world to change the first one for the second one). That is due to the large number of chemical components and insecticides to which they are exposed.

This exposure also saves green beans, which may be contaminated with acetate, a very potent pesticide and equally harmful to health.

7. GM corn

We can count on the fingers of one hand the amount of natural and healthy foods that we can find in a market … And the corn It would not be included in this classification, since it is genetically modified to produce its own pesticide in order to resist insecticide sprays during cultivation.

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