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Progress will be reported on the breast cancer research project being developed by the UACh

The activity will take place on Tuesday, August 27, starting at 11 a.m. in the hall of the Indap area of ​​the Lanquina commune.

Sharing the progress and results of research, raising awareness about the disease, protective and risk factors. These are some of the topics that will be addressed at the meeting “Let’s Talk About Cancer” that will take place next Tuesday, the 27th, at 11 a.m., in the commune of Lanco.

This activity is supported by Indap Los Ríos and the Lanco Rural Women’s Roundtable and is part of the FIC 22-22 project “Breast cancer diagnostic biomarker”, which is funded by the Los Ríos Regional Government and its Regional Council, executed by the Faculty of Medicine of the Austral University of Chile, UACh.

“We invite women from Lanco to participate in this meeting, to learn about our research that we are developing in the region, with regional resources and that seeks to contribute to a more timely diagnosis of breast cancer,” said Dr. Pamela Ehrenfeld, researcher and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at UACh.

The person in charge of the Cancer Program of the Seremi de Salud, Susan Toro, will also participate in the meeting, who will refer to the current situation of cancer in Los Ríos and the prevention actions that are being carried out in the territory. In addition, the director of the project, Dr. Carlos Figueroa, will refer to the stages of the investigation and the risk factors.

In addition, alongside the exhibitions, blood and saliva samples will be taken from women who wish to collaborate with the research, as has been done in other communities in the region. This process is necessary because it will allow comparing samples from healthy and sick people, and based on that, validate the results that already exist and be able to move forward in the creation of the first diagnostic test for breast cancer.

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