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Progress Party Approves Cooperation Agreement for New City Council in Oslo

At 19.23, Fremskrittspartiet’s Magnus Birkelund says that the party has approved a cooperation agreement with the Conservative Party, the Liberal Party and the Christian People’s Party.

– The Progress Party has now decided that we want to support a cooperation agreement. Then we will come back to the details of that agreement at a later date, says Frp’s new group leader.

The decision was taken at a meeting of the new city council group.

Lae Solberg and Lindboe new top duo

This means that there will be a change of city council in the capital.

– This is very good news, says Høyre’s Eirik Lae Solberg. It is now 100 percent certain that he will become city council leader.

Six weeks after the election, it is also quite clear that Anne Lindboe (H) will be the capital’s new mayor.

MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL LEADER: It is now absolutely certain that their names will be Anne Lindboe and Eirik Lae Solberg.

Photo: Tom Balgaard/NRK

FRP’s Julianne Ofstad (25) will be deputy mayor. It was experienced by both NRK, The daily newspaper and Aftenposten earlier Monday although it has not been officially confirmed.

The content of the collaboration agreement will be presented on Tuesday at 8.

More nursing home places

To NRK, the Frp confirms two cases where they have been successful.

DEPUTY MAYOR: Julianne Ofstad from the Progressive Party will apparently be Oslo’s new deputy mayor.

Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / NRK

One is about elderly care.

– It is assumed that we will build more nursing home places and more Omsorg+ places.

– We will also look at how we can collaborate more closely with private actors to ensure sufficient capacity at the nursing homes in Oslo, says Julianne Ofstad.

Complaints about construction matters

The second concerns urban development. More precisely, who will handle complaints about construction matters when a developer is refused a dispensation from the current plan.

CONTRACT AGREEMENT: FRP’s new front man in Oslo, Magnus Birkelund.

Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen

Today, complaint processing is delegated to the city council and the planning and building agency. Now the politicians in the city council’s urban development committee will decide.

– For the Progress Party, it has been important that it is the elected politicians who will manage urban development in Oslo, and not the bureaucrats, says Magnus Birkelund.

Waiting for Frp

Sources in several parties confirm to NRK that the agreement between the Conservative Party, the Liberal Party, the Progressive Party and the Christian People’s Party was already negotiated before the weekend.

Since then, the other three have been waiting for Frp.

It has taken time to get the agreement approved by Oslo Frp’s bodies, according to what we are told.

In Oslo Frp, there must be divided opinions on whether the agreement is good enough.

Among other things, the criticism is that it does not give the party enough influence in transport policy.

With such a binding agreement, the minority city council of the Conservatives and Liberals will have a clear majority behind them in the city council. This will ensure a certain working peace.

Raymond is still sitting

Although the election in Oslo resulted in a bourgeois victory, Raymond Johansen (Ap) has not resigned six weeks after the election.

The reason is that there has not been a declared majority against Johansen’s red-green city council.

MAJORITY IN THE BACK: A binding agreement with KrF and Frp is necessary to ensure the minority city council of Eirik Lae Solberg (H) and Hallstein Bjercke (V) work peace.

Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / NRK

The Conservatives and Liberals have also wanted to have a cooperation agreement in place before presenting their political platform.

NRK can confirm that the city council statement will be presented on Tuesday afternoon.

2023-10-23 19:39:38

#Agreement #civic #cooperation #Oslo #City #Council #ready

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