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Programming ’51 International Folklore Festival in the Mediterranean ‘of Murcia 2018 – The GO! Guide

The city of Murcia will host folk groups from different countries from July 9, after the inauguration of the LI Edition of the International Folklore Festival in the Mediterranean. For several days exhibitions, seminars and performances will take place in different parts of the city that will last until July 13.

From July 9, 2018 to July 13, 2018. Different locations in Murcia. Gratuitous

Monday, July 9

10 h. at 2 p.m. The Gardens of the Mediterranean ”. 20 artists: Nicolás de Maya, Hurtado Mena, Antonio Tapia, Araceli Reverte, Silvia Viñao, Manuel Páez, Antonio Sánchez, Jesus Silvente, Patricia Gómez, Manolo Pardo, Burgueño, Alfonso del Moral, Cristóbal Pérez, Martínez Torres, Elisa Ortega, Ana Martínez, A Martinez Mengual, Ruben Zambudio, Esther Monasterio and Pepe Montijo, They will carry out a work in the gardens around the City Museum. The works carried out will form an exhibition in the City Museum.

21.00 h. Flamenco in charge of OSCAR ZOILO, Guitar and IRENE CARRIÓN, Cello and Voice. Plaza de la Cruz. Murcia

Tuesday, July 10

“Today we teach.” From July 10, we will expose in the Museum of the City, the original painting, which has served as the poster for the Festival, made by Eva Mauricio.

12 h. . Inauguration of the exposition “The Gardens of the Mediterranean ”. Museum of the City.

21 h. parade of the folklore groups participating in the 51st International Folklore Festival in the Mediterranean: Choirs and Dances of Murcia, Asoc. Reg. Francisco Salzillo, (Murcia-Spain). Culture Philippines of Ontario. (Philippines). Kéve Folk Dance Group. (Hungary). Juellega Extremeña Group from Valencia de Alcántara. (Cáceres- Spain). Khasavyurt, (Republic of Daghestan-Russian Federation). Group of Choirs and Dances «Siete Coronas», from the Peña Huertana «La Crilla», (Murcia-Spain). Mokra Folkloric Ansamble, (Albania), Grupo Santa Justa Danzas de Ubiarco, (Cantabria-Spain). Mexican Culture and Tradition, (Mexico). Virgen de la Vega Folklore Group. (Murcia-Spain).

Itinerary: Pza. Romea, Pza. Santo Domingo, Calle Trapería, Plaza de la Cruz, Calle Salzillo and Plaza del Cardenal Belluga.

21.45 h. Lighting the Torch of Friendship and raising flags. At the end of the concert will take place in charge of the Musical Association Las Musas, from Guadalupe, with Popular Topics of Folklore from Murcia and Spain, in which pieces of traditional folklore will be performed. At the end they will perform the Hymn of the International Festival of Folklore in the Mediterranean, with music by Ginés Torrano and arrangements for a band by Ginés Abellan Alcaraz. Plaza del Cardenal Belluga. Murcia.

24 h. Stay up late: “My Murcian gardens”. «Walks along the Malecon and along the river»

A physical and temporary space in which readings, declarations, dialogues, etc. will be carried out on literary texts selected by Soren Peñalver. Free access until full capacity. They participate: Isabelle García Molina; La Galla Ciencia Collective: Noelia Illán Conesa, Samuel Jara, Daniel J. Rodríguez, Joaquin Baños; Carmen Piqueras, Angel Paniagua, Rosa García Oliver, Ana María Alcaraz, Antonio Marín Albalate, Jannine Alcaraz, José Manuel Regal, Inma Martín, Conchi Pacheco, Alfonso Pacheco, Nadia Kostadinova. Garden of the City Museum. Murcia.

Wednesday, July 11

11 h. Reception to the groups participating in the festival by the municipal authorities, in the Plenary Hall of the Murcia City Council.

19.30 h. Folklore and Ethnography Seminar. Reading of the papers: “The notarial protocols: ”Ethnographic documentation and notarial protocols ” by Manuel Muñoz Zielinski; and «Traditional musical funds on the Internet» by M.ª Luján Ortega.

8:30 p.m. Come dance with us. Group performance: Juellega Extremeña Group from Valencia de Alcántara. (Cáceres- Spain) in Avd. Libertad; Mokra Folkloric Ansamble (Albania) in Plaza de la Cruz and Mexican Tradition, (Mexico). Santo Domingo Square.

22 h. Opening session of the festival. Folklore in the Mediterranean. Choirs and Dances of Murcia, Asoc. Reg. Francisco Salzillo, Culture Philippines of Ontario. (Philippines). Kéve Folk Dance Group. (Hungary), Santa Justa Danzas Group from Ubiarco, (Cantabria-Spain) and Khasavyurt, (Republic of Daghestan-Russian Federation).

Live painting. The painter Nicolás de Maya will perform, live, during the session, a work about each of the groups that act. Plaza del Cardenal Belluga.

24 h. Stay up late: My Murcian gardens ”. “Work and leisures in La Huerta.” A physical and temporary space in which readings, declarations, dialogues, etc. will be carried out on literary texts selected by Soren Peñalver. Free access until full capacity. Participants: Juan Ángel Serrano Masegoso, José Ángel Castillo, Maria Ángeles Imbernón; Federica Montseny Women’s Center: Vicenta García, Reyes Galera, Felipa Babetón, Toñi Martínez, Pepa Martínez, Camila Salinas; Asensio Piqueras, David López, Nur López, Bernabé Guerrero Gambín, Jesús Miguel Pacheco Pérez, Manuel Bielsa. Garden of the City Museum.

Thursday, July 12.

12 h. Floral offering to the Virgen de la Fuensanta, by groups participating in the festival. Sanctuary of Our Lady of la Fuensanta.

19.30 h. Folklore and Ethnography Seminar. Reading of the papers:“The musical songbooks of Inzenga, Calvo and Verdú: 3 documentary sources of Murcian popular music” in charge of Jairo Juan García and Tomás García Martínez; and “Organology (traditional Murcian instruments and reed instruments” given by Norberto López Núñez.

8:30 p.m. Come dance with us. Group performance: Culture Philippines of Ontario. (Philippines) in Avd. Libertad; Kéve Folk Dance Group. (Hungary) in Plaza Santo Domingo and Khasavyurt, (Republic of Daghestan-Russian Federation) in Plaza de la Cruz.

22 h. Festival session. Group performance.

Choir and Dance Group “Siete Coronas”, from the Peña Huertana “La Crilla” (Puente Tocinos-Murcia), Mokra Folkloric Ansamble (Albania), Grupo Juellega Extremeña from Valencia de Alcántara. (Cáceres- Spain) and Mexican Tradition, (Mexico).

Live painting. The painter Nicolás de Maya will perform, live, during the session, a work about each of the groups that act. Plaza Cardenal Belluga.

24 h. Stay up late: “My Murcian gardens”. “Of the landscape and its people.”

A physical and temporary space in which readings, declarations, dialogues, etc. will be carried out on literary texts selected by Soren Peñalver. Free access until full capacity. Participants: Teresa Vicente, Consuelo Ruiz Montero, Robert Pocklington, Carmen Gallego, Rosa Regalado, José A. Enrique «Josefo»; Canna Brevis Collective: Santiago Delgado, Diana de Paco, Ángela Sánchez-Lafuente, Juan Soriano, Pepa Alcaraz, Charo Guarino, Aurora Gil Bohorques, José Antonio Fuentes, Emilio Soler and guitar. Garden of the City Museum.

Friday, July 13

11.30 h. Exposition Of paint Festival groups. Sample of the works carried out, by the painter Nicolás de Maya, to the different participating groups during their performances in the festival sessions. Plaza Cardenal Belluga.

22 h. Festival closing session. Performance of the groups Festival participants: Culture Philippines of Ontario. (Philippines), Kéve Folk Dance Group. (Hungary), Grupo Juellega Extremeña from Valencia de Alcántara. (Cáceres- Spain), Khasavyurt, (Republic of Daghestan-Russian Federation), Mokra Folkloric Ansamble (Albania), Santa Justa Danzas de Ubiarco Group, (Cantabria-Spain), Mexican Tradition, (Mexico) and Virgen de la Vega Folkloric Group . (Murcia-Spain) and extinguished the Torch of Friendship

Plaza Cardenal Belluga.

Organize: Murcia City Council – Festivals Office – Folklore Festival

Tags: International Mediterranean Folklore Festival

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