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Profit obstacle to education in 21 provinces

Due to adverse weather conditions and snowfall, Van, Rize, Trabzon, Karabük, Zonguldak, Ordu, Bitlis, Giresun, Şırnak, Kastamonu, Artvin, Düzce, Kayseri, Bolu, Hakkari, Samsun, Bartın, Gümüşhane, Sivas, Siirt and Erzurum schools were on vacation.


In a statement made by the Van Governorate, it was stated that due to heavy snow, education was suspended in all primary and secondary schools, public education, private education and rehabilitation centers across the province on Monday.

The statement stated that disabled and pregnant public personnel will also be considered as administrative leave.


Rize Governor Kemal Çeber’s Governorate made a written statement on his social media account, stating that schools have been vacationing in the city center and villages for 2 days from 10 February due to ongoing snowfall and possible risks.

Çeber noted that pregnant women and disabled people working in the public will also be considered as administrative leave.

Governor Ceber asked students to take care of their health, and citizens to provide feed support to stray animals.


In the statement made by the Governorship of Trabzon, it was stated that the education was interrupted in primary and secondary schools, special education and rehabilitation centers and public education centers on February 10 and 11 due to heavy snow.

In the statement, it was noted that disabled and pregnant public personnel will also be considered as administrative leave.


In a statement made by the Governorship of Karabuk, it was stated that education and training was suspended for one day on Monday, February 10 due to the heavy snowfall in the city.

In the statement, it was noted that pregnant and disabled personnel working in public institutions and organizations will also be considered as administrative leave.


In Zonguldak, mobile education was interrupted for one day in all schools in Devrek and Gökçebey districts, and in Central district and Kozlu.


In a written statement made by the Governor of Ordu, it was stated that on Monday, February 10, education in primary and secondary schools, private education and rehabilitation centers, and public education centers was given a day off, due to heavy snowfall and adverse weather conditions. The statement stated that disabled and pregnant public personnel will also be considered as administrative leave.


Education in Bitlis was interrupted on Monday, February 10th at provincial and district centers and schools in all villages connected to it due to adverse weather conditions and heavy snowfall.


In the written statement made by the Governor of Giresun, it was stated that education was interrupted tomorrow in the schools in Giresun center and Bulancak, Çanakçı, Dereli, Doğankent, Espiye, Eynesil, Güce, Keşap, Piraziz, Şebinkarahisar, Tirebolu and Yağdere districts.

In the statement, it was noted that in Görele district, education was interrupted for 2 days.

It has been reported that disabled and pregnant public personnel will be considered as administrative leave tomorrow due to snowfall.


It was announced that the training was suspended on February 10, Monday, in Şırnak city center and Uludere and Beytüşşebab districts.


In a statement made by the Directorate of National Education of Kastamonu, it was reported that education was interrupted in all schools in Ağlı, Küre, Şenpazar, Hanönü, Arac, Devrekani and Seydiler districts, and in schools other than high schools and equivalent schools in Bozkurt, Taşköprü and Cide districts.


The written statement made by the Governor of Artvin stated that due to heavy snowfall and adverse weather conditions, education was interrupted in primary and secondary schools, private education and rehabilitation centers and public education centers on Monday, February 10.


In the statement made by the Governor of Düzce, “Considering that heavy snowfall, frost and frost events may cause disruptions in transportation, on Monday, February 10, education and training was interrupted for one day in the central district and pre-school, primary, secondary and high schools in our district.” expression was given.


In a written statement made by the Bünyan District National Education Directorate in Kayseri, it was stated that heavy snowfall was effective throughout the district.

The statement stated that due to snowfall and adverse weather conditions, education was suspended on Monday, February 10 in all schools in the district.


Bolu Governor Ahmet Ümit stated in his statement on his social media account that snowfall continues in the city.

“I wish you a fun and healthy snow holiday”, stating that the schools are on Monday, February 10 in all districts and villages, including the center of Bolu, due to heavy snowfall and adverse weather conditions. used the expression.

Governor Ümit also stated that disabled and pregnant public employees will be deemed to have administrative leave tomorrow.


The statement made by the Governor of Hakkari stated that due to heavy snowfall and icing, education was interrupted on Monday, February 10 in Hakkari city center, Yüksekova and Şemdinli districts.

In the statement, it was stated that disabled and pregnant public officials will be considered on leave tomorrow.


In a statement made by the Governorship of Samsun, it was reported that education was interrupted tomorrow in Asarcık, Alaçam and Yakakent district due to adverse weather conditions and heavy snowfall.

In the statement, it was stated that disabled and pregnant public personnel across Samsun will be considered as administrative leave for tomorrow.


The statement made by the Governor of Bartin stated that snowfall in the city continues at intervals.

The statement said, “Education is interrupted for one day at primary and secondary schools and high schools throughout the city on Monday, February 10th, as snowfall and intervals of ice are expected from night hours.” expression was used.

In addition, it is noted that personnel who are disabled and pregnant among the workers and civil servants in the city will be considered as administrative leave tomorrow.


In a statement made by the District Governor of Gümüşhane, it was stated that heavy snowfall was effective in the district.

In the statement, it was announced that all schools across the district were vacationed on February 10 due to difficulties in transportation.


In a statement made by the Governor of Siirt, it was stated that snowfall and adverse weather conditions continue throughout the province.

Schools across the province were reported on Monday, February 10 due to the precipitation.

On the other hand, pregnant and disabled people working in public institutions and organizations will be considered as administrative leave on the same day.


In the written statement made by the Governor of Sivas, it was stated that the snowfall will continue at night and tomorrow day in the day and tomorrow in line with the meteorological data reported in the weather forecast reports of the Meteorology Directorate, and wind is expected with strong icing, frost.

For this reason, in the provincial center and its districts, official and private formal and non-formal education institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, special education and rehabilitation centers, special education courses, and other public, institutional institutions, nursery and preschool education institutions for the health and transportation safety of students. The training was interrupted Monday.

In the statement, it was stated that the public personnel who are pregnant, disabled, dialysis patient, heart and kidney failure, cancer and other chronic severe disease will be considered as leave.


Due to adverse weather conditions in Erzurum, education was interrupted in 3 districts one day.

In the statement made by the governor’s office, it was reported that the education was holidayed on Monday, February 10 in all preschool, primary, high school and private education and training institutions in central districts Palandöken, Yakutiye and Aziziye due to adverse weather conditions, cold weather and icing.

In the statement, it was noted that pregnant and disabled people working in public institutions and organizations will have administrative leave on the same day.

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