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Profile of Samia Suluhu Hassan, Tanzania’s First Female President Page all

KOMPAS.comSamia Suluhu Hassan (61) was selected as President Tanzania, replace John Magufuli.

Samia is listed as the first woman to become President of Tanzania.

Prior to serving as president, Hassan has served as Vice President of Tanzania since 2015.

Now, Hassan will serve the remainder of his tenure as President of Tanzania.

Samia Hassan’s profile

Reporting from BBC, March 20, 2021, Hassan was born on January 27, 1960 in Zanzibar, an island off the coast of mainland Tanzania.

The area is also known as a former center of slavery and a trading post in the Indian Ocean.

Zanzibar, then a Muslim sultanate, did not formally join mainland Tanzania.

Hassan’s father is a school teacher, while his mother is a housewife.

Hassan graduated from high school, but has openly said his exam results were poor.

He also took a clerk job in a government office at the age of 17.

As an adult, he continued his studies in public administration, then continued his master’s degree at the University of Manchester, England.

In 1978, he married Hafidh Ameir, who is known as an agricultural academic. This couple rarely accentuates their affection, they don’t even take pictures together.

Hassan and Ameir are blessed with four children. One of his children is now a member of the Zanzibar House of Representatives.

Also read: Samia Suluhu Hassan Elected As Tanzania’s First Female President To Replace John Magufuli

Deputy Chair of the Constituent Assembly

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/tren/image/2021/03/22/063700265/profil-samia-suluhu-hassan-presiden-perempuan-pertama-tanzania?page=2" style="max-width: 100%;width:750px">Ericky Boniphace / AFP Vice President Samia Hassan Suluhu (left) and President John Magufuli (right) speaking with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta by cell phone on July 24, 2019. [Ericky Boniphace/AFP]-Hassan was first elected to public office as Deputy Chairman of the Constituent Assembly in 2000.

This position was raised to draft a new constitution in Tanzania.

During his tenure, Hassan had a calm attitude in managing the occasional chaos and his way of dealing with problems was praised.

In terms of personality, Hassan is known to be a stark contrast to Magufuli.

He is also impulsive or not afraid to speak directly, is judged to be wiser, and more attentive.

Apart from that, Hassan is also known as a good listener, following the rules according to the correct procedure.

Served as Minister of Manpower

In 2005, Hassan served as Minister of Manpower. She is also active in gender and child development in Zanzibar.

Effectively, it lifted the ban on young mothers to return to education after giving birth.

Even though he is now president, he insists that the same ban be applied in other regions.

A lawmaker who is Hassan’s colleague in the vice president’s office, January Makamba, called Hassan the “most underrated politician in Tanzania”.

“I have observed closely, related to his work ethic, decision -making, and temperament. He is a very talkative leader,” said Makamba.

Going forward in the presidential election

Reporting from Aljazeera, 19 March 2021, Hassan was promoted by the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party and was chosen by Magufuli as his running mate in his first presidential election campaign in 2015.

CCM won and Hassan was appointed as the representative the first woman president in that country.

During his work, Hassan occasionally represented Magufuli on trips abroad, but many communities outside Tanzania have never heard of him.

On Wednesday (17/3/2021), Hassan announced sad news regarding Maguful’s death.

“This is a time to stand together and connect with each other. It’s time to bury our differences, show love for one another, and look to the future with confidence,” said Hassan.

“This is also not the time to point to each other, but to join hands and move to build the new Tanzania that President Magufuli is aiming for,” he continued.

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