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Profil Buya Arrazy Hasyim, Pengasuh Ribath Nouraniyah


Buya Arrazy Hasyim was in the news after his son was shot dead. Who is Buya Arrazy?

In the data collected detikJatimBuya Arrazy was born in Koto Tangah, Payakumbuh, West Sumatra on April 21, 1986. He is a preacher and founder and caregiver of Ribath Nouraniyah Hasyimiyah.

Arrazy graduated from elementary school in 1998, in Payakumbuh. Then he continued to MTsN and graduated in 2001.

MAN 2/MAKN Payakumbuh was the place where Arrazy studied. However, in 2002, he moved to MAN 1 Model Bukittinggi and graduated in 2004.

Then he took education in hadith science at the Darus-Sunnah International Institute for Hadith Sciences student boarding school. Arrazy graduated in 2008.

He also took a Bachelor of Faith and Islamic Philosophy at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. Arrazy graduated a year later.

Not only that, Arrazy also studied in non-formal education, namely at Dawrat al-Tathqif al-Shar’i li al-‘Ulum al-Islamiyah. The non-formal education was held by Internationalize Zentrum Fur Islamiche Wissenschaften in Bogor. He studied from 2006 to 2008.

A year later, Arrazy took his Masters in Islamic Studies at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University and graduated in 2011. As if he was always thirsty for knowledge, he continued his doctoral program at the same department and university and graduated in 2017.

Arrazy married Eli Ermawati MS on July 11, 2010. They have three children namely Hisham Faqih Arrazy, Hushaim Shah Wali Arrazy and Helena Nour Arrazy.

Meanwhile, Ribath Nouraniyah is an institution for the study of turats, creed, tasawuf and amaliah remembrance in Ciputat, South Tangerang, Banten. Apart from being a caregiver for Ribath Nouraniyah, he is also a Postgraduate Lecturer at the Jakarta Institute of Al-Qur’an Science (IIQ) and a lecturer in hadith and creed at Darus-Sunnah.

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