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Professor warns: particles of coughing fits after 15 minutes …

“If someone has had a coughing fit in an elevator, 15 minutes later, small droplets are still present. If the elevator doors would remain open, it would always take about two minutes before those very fine risk drops disappear from the sky. ” That is what Daniel Bonn, professor of complex liquids, states in the TV program One today.

Bonn is affiliated with the University of Amsterdam and advises not to take an elevator, but to take the stairs if possible. “A hospital lift in which corona patients are transported, I would certainly not be standing in that.”

According to him, the health institute RIVM endorses that the risk droplets lead to contamination, but has not adjusted the policy accordingly. “I find that strange, precisely because RIVM uses ‘Better safe than sorry’ as a starting point. Singing choirs, carnival, church services and après-ski have been a lot of infections. ”

Big drops

RIVM assumes contamination via large drops, which is why we have to keep a distance of one and a half meters. According to Bonn, the institute is aware of the research into ventilation. “It is clear from statements made in newspapers that they have read our research.”

When people talk, sing or cough, droplets are always released. “The danger of those tiny droplets is that they can get deep into your lungs. So if a corona patient coughs in an elevator, it will remain contagious for a long time. ”


The scientist advises to sit mainly on the terrace outside and not indoors. He also advises opening windows and doors opposite each other at home and at work for much-needed ventilation. “If the windows at your workplace can open, that is.”

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