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Professor Marcin Król on Polish politicians

The lie and lawlessness that we have dealt with for five years has now become an everyday lie, said the historian of ideas, professor Marcin Król, in “Faktach po Faktach”. On TVN24 he summarized the current picture of the Polish political scene.

A month has passed since the presidential election, after which Andrzej Duda was re-elected. In “Fakty po Faktach”, Professor Marcin Król commented on the image of the political scene after the elections.

– What a horse is, everyone can see. It was a tragic event in some sense. A great victory (PO candidate, Rafał – ed.) By Trzaskowski. A victory not in the sense that it won the elections, but a mobilization victory – he said. He added that this victory “can already be seen that it did not translate into anything.”

– First of all, it did not translate into the attitude of the Civic Platform. Already during Trzaskowski’s campaign it was clear that the Civic Platform could not come up with anything wise, he commented. He continued that Trzaskowski’s advisers “behaved in a hopeless manner, they did not come up with anything.” – Trzaskowski was actually alone, he had no staff behind him, apart from organizing meetings – he said.



prof. Król: There was a mobilization victory for Trzaskowski. It can already be seen that it did not translate into anythingTVN24

The evil introduced by PiS has entered the Polish political scene

Commenting on the political situation in our country, Professor Król said that at this point “the situation has worsened on all political sides”. “The lie and the lawlessness we have dealt with for five years has now become an everyday lie,” he pointed out. – We are dealing with an unbelievable lie by PiS, and lying is evil. But we are also dealing with a certain collapse of the Civic Platform – he stressed.

As an example, he mentioned the vote by the PO MPs “for” a salary increase for MPs and high officials, and the fact that the PO’s seats were “thickly thinned” when the outgoing Ombudsman, Adam Bodnar, submitted a report on the activities of the Ombudsman’s Office in 2019.

– The evil introduced by PiS entered the Polish scene – he commented, adding that politicians from outside the PiS formation were also affected by this “evil”. – I don’t have the feeling that there is a white and a black page. It is very far from that. It is sad, but it is a feature of many European and American societies – he explained.


Professor King: something has happened to customs, they are disappearingTVN24

“A social movement is not born thanks to the leadership, but the grassroots force”

The guest of “Fakty po Faktach” pointed out that we are dealing with the disappearance of morals. “Manners are decency, loyalty,” he said. In his opinion, “something terrible has happened”. “And I’m not exaggerating,” he added. – In this form it is irreversible. The guilt of PiS is disproportionately greater than the guilt of others, but the entire political class is only suitable for the dustbin of history – he assessed.

When asked if it might be time for a new civic movement, prof. The king replied that “there are no political movements, only social ones.” – A social movement is not born thanks to the leadership, but a grassroots force. Building grassroots forces is very difficult, but possible, he explained. He said that in this case “you have to start with people who, for specific reasons, are absolutely fed up with the entire political system.” – It is not the PO and PiS that must be overturned, but the system – he pointed out.

– You cannot improve PO, you cannot improve PiS and you cannot improve Hołownia – he mentioned, referring to the independent presidential candidate Szymon Hołownia, who is now the leader of the Poland 2050 movement.


“The entire political class is now only suitable for the dustbin of history”TVN24

“The End of Lukashenka”

The professor also referred to the recent protests in Belarus after the presidential elections. – Common sense shows that this is the end of Lukashenka, which of course can be postponed, but in fact it is the end. Maybe not the day after tomorrow or in three days, but for some time. Such defeats do not allow authoritarian governments to recover, said the King.


Professor King: it’s the end of LukashenkaTVN24

Referring to the telephone conversation between the President of Belarus and the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, the King assessed: – I think Putin is more reasonable than Lukashenka. There is no interest in driving Belarus into a war situation or an internal uprising. Why does he need such a row? He will verbally support Lukashenka, he will do nothing more. In fact, he is alone, he concluded.


photo-source">Main photo source: TVN24

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