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Professional field exploration and new internship exchange: Enable opportunities, attract young talent – especially now!

Märkischer Kreis. The municipal coordination office KAoA is looking for around 10,800 trial internships in all professions for more than 3,600 schoolchildren as part of the professional field exploration next year. In order to bring young people and companies together not only for trial internships, but also for student internships lasting several weeks, the Märkische Kreis has also launched a new online internship exchange. on https://maerkischer-kreis.praktikum-nrw.de/node/216671 Companies can now post their internship offers all year round.

In the past school year, many modules of the professional orientation could not be carried out as usual. In particular, occupational field explorations and internships lasting several weeks were omitted as important instruments in the practical phases. “The young people had little or only a very limited chance of getting to know operational practice. This makes it all the more important now to enable them to undertake occupational field research and internships,” says Karina Hahn from the municipal coordination office. “No qualification without a connection – transition to school – Profession in NRW “KAoA Märkischer Kreis.

Company occupational field exploration

Company occupational field explorations are one-day trial internships in three different companies, each lasting six to seven hours. The students accompany employees in their work environment, get to know different areas of responsibility and may be allowed to prepare small work samples or work on the computer. In this way they can find out for themselves which professional field they are interested in.

The background to the exploration of the occupational field is to make it easier for young people to choose for an internship lasting several weeks. But it is not only the young people who benefit from the exploration of the occupational field, but also the companies. The shortage of skilled workers has dominated the market for a long time. It is therefore important that companies seize the opportunity to get to know potential junior employees at an early stage and to win them over as future trainees for the company.

The occupational field exploration of the general education schools in the Märkisches Kreis will take place on the following dates: Monday 4th to Friday 8th April, Monday 9th to Friday 13th May, Thursday 9th to Friday 10th June, and Monday 13th to Wednesday 15th June. Since the students are supposed to complete their trial internships in three different areas, around 10,800 offers from companies are required. We are not only looking for positions in traditional trades or in administrations / companies, but also in other sectors, such as architects, tax consultants, surveyors or resident doctors.

Many companies from the Märkisches Kreis already use the career field exploration portal with success to find out about https://berufsfelderkundung-mk.de/node/194668 to advertise their own industry within the framework of one-day trial internships and to attract suitable young people. The students from the Märkisches Kreis can then book these offers conveniently and easily online. Companies can now post their offers on the BFE portal; the booking phase for schoolchildren will begin in early 2022.

New internship exchange – an opportunity for smaller companies

The new internship exchange is already online. Companies as well as schoolchildren can easily find each other there for internships lasting several weeks: companies post their offers, the students browse and apply for internships of interest to them via the portal.

The internship exchange is a long-term offer. Even if internship phases are sometimes difficult to implement in the pandemic, companies are currently being asked more and more in order to be able to provide as extensive a range as possible for young people in the coming years. In addition to the free use of the web portal and support from the municipal coordination office KAoA and the operating company Impiris, companies and schoolchildren can benefit from the offer.

Advantages for companies are, for example, that it is possible to post internship offers all year round, the portal enables all internships from different areas to be uploaded, direct applications from interested students including a curriculum vitae via the portal and that companies make their own selection of applicants.

The advantages for schoolchildren are that the portal bundles a wide range of internship offers at a glance, the independence of young people is promoted, the portal supports the creation of an online application and an online résumé and the application documents are sent directly via the portal.

on https://maerkischer-kreis.praktikum-nrw.de/node/216671 young people and companies can easily register. Anyone who is already registered in the career field research portal can also use their user ID and password in the internship exchange. If you have any questions, please contact Karina Hahn from the KAoA on Tel. 02351/966 6519 or at [email protected].

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