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Prof. Mermerski believed food would beat aging (Review)

His son Yonko: he was lucky, he wasn’t sick, he died of old age

“My father died of old age! He wasn’t sick, he was very lucky.” Said the son of Prof. Hristo Mermerski – Yonko, who lives in the United States. He announced his father’s death on Facebook with an extremely emotional post : My dear dad, there are no words that can describe how much I will miss you. For the millionth time I thank God for giving me the honor of being your son…
My dear friends, today the magnificent life trajectory of my father – Professor Hristo Minkov Mermersky, chosen by God, has come to an end.

The professor was fine, so Yonko left for the States a few days ago. They

they had an outstanding

relationship – and filial,

and professional,
relatives of the family were surprised by the news.
Hristo Mermerski was born on July 24, 1934 in the village of Botevo, Hayredin municipality, Vrachansko. He was the youngest child in the family. “God gives this old man the strength and drive to walk 5 km every day to school in the neighboring village. To gather financial resources and continue, the researcher enters a military school in Haskovo, because it is the only free option for learning and development,” writes Yonko.

Then the village boy graduated from the Agricultural Academy in 1962. He specialized in England, Italy, Germany, the USA. He was deputy minister of agriculture and president of the Agricultural Academy. He majored at the University of Illinois-USA, worked as a deputy. general director of “Agropromkomplekt”. He served as adviser on life sciences, technology and agriculture in the Bulgarian mission in Washington.

But the Bulgarians

they will remember it with the dozens of books around

healthy diet

Prof. Mermerski himself has tried various combinations of herbs and herbal medicine, creating more than one superior quality product. For many years, the professor has been offering his recipes for natural healing on the pages of Bulgaria Today.

The professor. Mermerski believed that clean food heals: garlic acts as an antibiotic, beans lower blood pressure and cholesterol, propolis is unique, destroys viruses, walnut is valuable for the brain.
In an interview with “24 Chasa” years ago, he said that he collected 18,000 healthy recipes from all over the world: nature is extremely generous and it is a crime that we don’t use it. “Cucumber protects against 15 diseases. It’s the same with spices: parsley, chives, celery. The store salad is a unique recipe in itself. Especially with more cheese – it contains a lot of calcium and is a proven aphrodisiac”he said. He also gave advice to people who won’t read his books: “If you don’t have the energy to read, I urge you to do the following: In a bucket of yogurt put a spoonful of honey, 30-40 g of chopped nuts, pectin, cinnamon and 30-40 drops of propolis. Eat and be healthy.

Worship in front of the professor will be on Friday in the “Sveta Sofia” church at 11:00.

The professor’s 14 tips for good health

  • Eat simple, natural foods, with fruits and vegetables making up 40-60% of your food. They destroy carcinogens at the initial stage of their development.
  • Be moderate in eating and chew slowly.
  • Give up fatty, salty and refined products, because they accelerate the processes of atherosclerosis and aging.
  • You prefer potatoes to bread. They purify the blood and destroy acids, act against ulcers, gastritis and help digest food. Baked potatoes in their skins prevent cell mutation that leads to cancer. They help with hypertension, have an antiviral effect. They contain vitamin C and starch.
  • Drink as much liquid as possible, especially thawed water. The oxygen in it is 3 more units, which is better for the body.
  • Be at the center of events happening around you and in the world. This will keep you in good shape.
  • Don’t skimp on sleep, but don’t spend the whole morning in bed either.
  • Train your memory with daily reading and writing.
  • Every day walk 10 km or do physical exercises, because with accelerated breathing you will expel carbon dioxide from the alveoli. Exercise will release you from the stress and strain you have built up on your muscles and brain. Your body will become more elastic, you will feel light and sleep well.
  • Go out once a week to the mountains, where the environment is sterile, free from pathogenic organisms and with a lot of oxygen in its absolutely pure form.
  • Drink rosehip tincture. No other product contains as much vitamin C as rose hips.
  • Don’t argue fiercely because it destroys your nerve cells beyond repair.
  • Laugh and enjoy life.
  • Experience the pleasure of sex and never say that you are getting old.

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