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Prof. Kantardjiev defeated the anti-vaxers with a lesson in Bulgarian and exploded: I am scared of …

“I will say about my impressions of the writings of these anti-vaccines – a virus is written with ‘y’ and a vaccine with ‘B’. And we want to explain to them what RNA and DNA are,” he commented in an interview withMaritsa“Prof. Todor Kantardzhiev.

– Prof. Kantardzhiev, in the social networks mostly and everywhere there is still a terrible campaign against vaccines. Is it the same in the world, or is it our patent?

– I follow social networks. I am frightened by the huge number of opinions on the subject. I will only note that long before the pandemic, due to non-governmental organizations, we conducted a survey on anti-vaccination sentiment in the country. It turned out that 0.5 percent of parents officially refuse to vaccinate their children with a document.

Less than a percent, but they were noisy enough. I will say about my impressions of the writings of these anti-vaccines – a virus is written with a “y” and a vaccine with a “B”. And we want to explain to them what RNA and DNA are – things we used to learn in 8th grade. These people cannot write, let alone understand.

Prior to the coronavirus, anti-vaccines were mobilized in several NGOs. They aimed to make children’s vaccines optional. They were backed by declining political parties, which induced fear in 5 percent of mothers.

So many wanted to take the election 5 percent, which will provide them with a minimum subsidy. Their call was as follows: Let’s make vaccines against diphtheria, polio, etc. optionally! Then the ministry – wants, does not want – must give some money for the campaign.

“And the money goes to …”
– Of course, to give them to these same NGOs, which from screaming anti-vaxers will not dedicate themselves to becoming exemplary pro-vaxers. I noticed this in some NGOs, which were now against the vaccines, now behind them. The opposite happened to some popular medics. From convinced provocateurs who insulted the anti-vaxers, and even went to court, they went to the opposite position.

To be noticed by the public, they made the following sketch last week. There was a statement: “Vaccinated against coronavirus are dying in our hospital.” The next day the deceased became one. The director of the same hospital came out and denied it. Fourth day: “Yes, but we brought him to the hospital …”.

“Tokuda, where did they deny it?”
– There the director also came out and said that no vaccinated person died. And so after a media show for a week, almost joy that a man had died with a vaccine.

Finally, it turns out that there is a deceased patient who has not been vaccinated. Classic black propaganda full of lies. Like the fact that 1000 leva are given to write to patients with coronavirus. Well, for 2,000 infected people a day, that’s 2 million levs. The National Assembly did not give so much for a vaccination campaign.

– Why do you think such talk is allowed among the doctors themselves?
– Insult from the low payment for vaccination and unwillingness to take care of patients. Sorry, but there were doctors who hid from their patients for 10 months and did not want to see them. And now they will suddenly be vaccinated! No! At the same time, heart doctors were left without enough vaccines.

It is the same now with parents who want to vaccinate children under 12 years of age. They should not have a problem. Go for a note to the GP, but the latter was not told. All this should have been written in an order of the Minister to the RHI. If you cause a problem for a person who is hesitant, he will simply not be vaccinated.

– What incentives should be created for the Bulgarian to be vaccinated? Were there coupons for shops, even bonuses in casinos?
– All positive things. Otherwise, the summer had to be told to the establishments, for example: in the autumn only those in vaccinated staff and clients or the same with a certificate will work. We all have acquaintances who have been to Western Europe these months, that’s how it is.

– Do you know that here they enter the discos on the word of honor?
– I’m sorry, but it’s not done from Friday to Tuesday, as happened here. It should have been like in Greece or France – since the summer to know about restaurants, theaters, exhibitions, concerts…

– Should those who have been proven to have been vaccinated with the coronavirus be vaccinated?
– The issue of cellular immunity and antibodies is very complex. Recent scientific reports are clear that those who have released the coronavirus, who have created antibodies, have necessarily developed cellular immunity, and long-term.

There is no medical reason to get vaccinated. Unfortunately, some of the decisions of the European Center for Disease Control – such as the certificate being valid only 6 months after the illness – point to vaccination.

It will not hurt, but it is not medically justified. Patients and vaccinated have lasting immunity. Two groups are an exception. One is for many adults who have a very weakened immune system. The second is for people with transplants or some kind of treatment, because of which they cannot immediately restore their immune system. They need two vaccines.

– Can people who have immunity become infected?
– In principle, if you do not have a large amount of antibodies, but only cellular immunity, you can keep the virus in you for a day or two without engaging your entire immune system. In those days or two, you can infect someone.

But, firstly, this applies to a low percentage of people who have had the virus, secondly, it is not for 14 days, thirdly, the viruses you release are much smaller when you have immunity after illness or vaccination. One hundred people have one who has so many viruses in their nasopharynx that it can infect many people. That is why there are these restrictions in the gatherings.

– The two main arguments for people not to be vaccinated are: 1. Young people are afraid of infertility. 2. Adults are not convinced that safe vaccines can be developed in such a short time.
– There is definitely no evidence of lack of reproduction after vaccination. Only some RNA vaccines, so to speak, can damage the placenta.

But in our country there is no practice of immunization of pregnant women. If you are breastfeeding, on the day of the immunization, if you are so worried, keep milk in the refrigerator. After the 15th day, the antibodies are passed on to the baby. I say only if you are afraid, otherwise it makes no sense.

Because if you are afraid, even if you put saline or water, 30 percent of those vaccinated will get what they fear. It’s called the nocebo effect. Back to placebo.

When you give them placebo water, 10 percent recover immediately. Otherwise, vaccines like these RNAs have been made for 30 years. And I have personally seen vector in Russian scientists who came to us. They had used them against Ebola on themselves. And they were very proud. It was something like Sputnik’s great-grandfather. Let the people calm down!

– Do vaccines hinder the building of collective immunity – another argument of anti-vaccines?
– Nonsense, just the opposite! As well as not being vaccinated in the midst of a pandemic.

“Well, there were mutations, weren’t there?”
“Nonsense!” It is called circular vaccination for polio. If a case is found, the children in the city are vaccinated first, then in the surrounding municipalities. And so it expands. You see, a lot of people are starting to understand infectious diseases.

There were no such specialists, because for the last 20 years the money has gone to incurable diseases. This led to a lack of infectious disease specialists, epidemiologists, microbiologists, virologists. The last specialty was only in our country and in the USSR. It was a part of microbiology all over the world.

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