Home » today » World » Prof. Ivo Hristov: The EU is just a fig leaf that should cover the American geopolitical interest – 2024-08-03 02:11:16

Prof. Ivo Hristov: The EU is just a fig leaf that should cover the American geopolitical interest – 2024-08-03 02:11:16

/ world today news/ The Balkans are becoming the second contact zone of potential and real conflict, with the Middle East they are like jumping vessels, believes the MP from “BSP for Bulgaria”

“The EU is just a fig leaf that should cover the American geopolitical interest”

“Putin’s announcement a week ago about Russia’s technological leap is equal in importance to the launch of the first artificial satellite”

– Prof. Hristov, two months have passed since the beginning of the Bulgarian EU presidency. The rulers demanded humility, stability, consensus, but instead these things are not only gone, but stability has been blown up, and by the government itself.

– Does that surprise you?

– How did we get there?

– I have said it on other occasions that I do not like to discuss current internal political topics, as I proceed from the necessary assumption that there is no politics in Bulgaria. There is no political life in Bulgaria, so to apply political criteria, requirements and assessments to the struggle for power in Bulgaria, these are completely different things and become something that is completely unacceptable… Secondly, I am not surprised at all. You can check, ever since the construction of this parliament I said that it would last a year. I have deep concerns that I may be right.

– Let’s turn to the subject of the Western Balkans. These days, the foreign minister of Serbia stated that his country has no intention of making a mistake by entering the EU – it is not giving up either Kosovo or Metohija. It also raised the issue of the double standard applied by the EU in relation to Crimea. And the EC was categorical that the countries of the region must give up all their claims – territorial and other – not to mention the name Macedonia…

– I understood you. This whole story with the Western Balkans is a political cliché. This is not something invented in the laboratory of Bulgarian political life, the Bulgarian rulers neither have the necessary political capacity, nor intellectual capacity, nor geopolitical courage – it is a question of an external order. This order is expressed in the fact that the so-called Western Balkans – here we are talking about the former Yugoslavia, Albania and Bulgaria, should create a block – politically, militarily and possibly economically, to block three key players with whom America is currently engaged in a heavy collision. The first is Russia, the second China and indirectly Turkey. For this purpose, the so-called Western Balkans play a huge role – it is a role of states, supported and sub-states with a sub-mandated military territory – Kosovo and Bosnia are exactly that, the so-called “failed states”. They will have the following tasks: first, to prevent Russian influence, which has already shrunk to Serbia and to some extent Macedonia; second – bringing the entire region into NATO – the military and political alliance of the USA. That is why the hyper-emphasis on the so-called Corridor road 8 – all those connections that are in the West-East direction. From the Adriatic to the Black Sea, not north-south and not east-west. Why is this so? Quite simple! China currently holds the largest port in the Balkans, Piraeus, and has huge plans to create high-speed railways, which are already in the operational phase of creation. This is the road that China is building in the direction of Serbia-Hungary and from there to Central Europe. China is penetrating Europe and the Balkans are this entrance and penetration zone to the European market, understand to Germany. However, the American geopolitical interest cannot allow this, and for this reason the Balkans must be fragmented, easily managed and thereby block any attempt by another geopolitical player to enter the hunting zone for the American geopolitical interest. The Western Balkans are an American military protectorate.

– And the European Union?

– He has never had an opinion of his own, he is generally not created to have opinions. The EU is a political fig leaf that must cover up the real situation.

– I was struck by an opinion from Brussels in an article that unequivocally stated that there were two holes in the center of the EU – one as beautiful as Swiss cheese, because Swiss citizens are happy and live well without being in the European Union, but the other – ugly as in the middle of an asphalted street, which had to be filled by the EU, so that the infrastructure projects of China, the energy projects of Russia and the distorted Islam of Qatar, which had nothing to do with the traditional in the region, did not appear.

– That won’t happen. First. Turkey has a powerful interest in the Balkans – it has real resources to make it happen. This country is based on three things – the Turkish and especially the Muslim minorities in the Balkans, who see Turkey as a guarantor and defender of their interests – the famous “Green Rainbow” plan, the so-called “Bayazid” plan. That is, from Bosnia through Sanjak Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, the Bulgarian Rhodopes, Greek Western Thrace and Eastern Thrace – there is an almost unbroken strip of Muslim minorities that are the demographic and human basis for the Turkish claim. Second. Turkey has powerfully entered economically, especially in Bosnia, partly in Kosovo and in Montenegro, Albania. It builds airports there, builds infrastructure, builds a highway… So Turkish claims there are not a product of imagination, but of realities. Third – Turkey has started to play an independent geopolitical role, and this is a problem because it is breaking away from the Western, understand American geopolitical chorus. This is extremely dangerous both for our entire region and for the so-called “NATO project”. Why? It can lead to Turkey being blown up from within, an internal civil war being staged, for which there are already prerequisites. And then the whole refugee saga will seem like an operetta…

The second geopolitical interest is, of course, Russia’s. I will be as frank as possible – Russia is poorly defending its geopolitical interests in the Balkans. Not to say too bad…

– Maybe because of the problems with the USA?

– Of course there are problems. Currently, Russia is in a defensive state – it must defend its own perimeter.

– You said that whoever wins the battle for technology will rule the world. Can we evaluate Putin’s speech a few days ago in this sense?

– Absolutely. Putin’s announcement is about the technological leap Russia has made – and secretly, without the knowledge of notorious Western intelligence. In its technological significance, this announcement is equal to the launch of the first artificial satellite in 1957. This is a completely new technological level, on new technical principles, in a new way – let’s emphasize, on the basis of Soviet developments that were developed after 2000 In fact, Putin said that Russia is capable of eliminating any military threat and suggested that this should not be a means of discord, but a means of appeasing the so-called Western partners in order to constructively negotiate a new strategic balance.

– Why are the Western partners silent?

– I guess they are shocked and have nothing to say. With them there is an extraordinary combination of racial hatred, contempt and arrogance based only on bare strength. At the moment, the most important argument – the argument of strength – has been kicked out from under their feet. And they have no other arguments.

– In recent years, the USA may have counted on using the leverage that they themselves placed against Russia – Ukraine?

Russia was dealt an extremely heavy geopolitical defeat in Ukraine. This is a country with a population of 45 million – a Russian-speaking population. A country which, so to speak, is one of the fulcrums of Russia; a country created by Russian blood, sweat and Russian efforts, and I would say historical claims as well. Ulcer Ukraine is painfully wedged into the Russian geopolitical body and tasked with maintaining a level of controlled tension and suicidal activation wherever and whenever necessary. This is a very heavy blow, which Russia is still having a hard time amortizing. Russia still relies on the old sentiments, namely on Serbia, where it has military-political and partly economic influence, on Bulgaria, where it still has economic influence, I am talking about energy and some other areas, on Greece as well. So Russia’s clash with America is clearly clear in the Balkans, and it can give that battle here.

The next thing to consider is, of course, I have already said, the Chinese interest. China is ready to give this battle, since for it the transport corridors pass through the Balkans, respectively, this is both political and economic influence – it is a matter of geopolitical survival. That is, the Balkans become the second contact zone of potential and real conflict together with the Middle East – they are like jumped vessels. Very interesting times ahead! However, Bulgaria is in one of its worst conditions in its entire 140-year history after Liberation! And if that’s the case, then there’s nothing we can do right now but watch events, despite the talk of being event moderators and generators. Bulgaria is not a subject, but an object of geopolitics, which I have constantly said.

– Will Bulgaria be able to cope after this spectacular scandal with the deal for CEZ and acquire at least one of our electricity distribution companies?

– This is again a panic move by the government, which was caught in the act. Now they will try, as they say, to turn losses into victories. I suspect – refute me, that the government will continue to report how manfully, heroically, CEZ fought to be returned to the Bulgarian state and that it protects the Bulgarian national and state interest.

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