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Prof. Hristova: The green certificate will save the establishments from bankruptcy

In our country the hegemon is the Delta variant of the virus, which already generates 38 subvariants, announced the director of NCIPD

A green certificate is better than a lockdown, it will save the relevant establishments from bankruptcy and will encourage others to get vaccinated. This was stated to BNT by the director of the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Prof. Iva Hristova.

According to her, measures are needed, but in fact the decision is very difficult because there are many points of view and each decision has pros and cons.

“My opinion is that introducing weaker measures for those who are certified will encourage people to get vaccinated so that they can visit the establishments they want, and this will create safety for the people inside.” , commented Prof. Hristova.

She also said that the third wave of covid in our country has the largest number of patients, but it is still not clear where the fourth will end. People under the age of 40 were much less affected in the previous waves, but only in recent weeks has the infection been equal to that in the other age groups.

According to her, this is mainly due to the Delta variant, but also to the fact that the young have remained unaffected by the previous waves and are now more sensitive, where the virus finds good ground for development. According to her, non-compliance with measures by them also contributes to the spread.

“Cases are on the rise and we may consider re-wearing masks outdoors at gatherings. This is not being discussed at the moment because there are more urgent measures, but we must be prepared if the tide rises, with further measures. “, explained Prof. Hristova.

She thinks it is very unfortunate that the vaccination coverage is so low, which is worrying for their European counterparts.

“In terms of the Balkans, Serbia and Romania have a higher incidence on a 14-day basis, but other countries are comparable to us, and some are a little better than us, so somehow we should strive to get out of this. ranking, to save lives and reduce the workload of colleagues in clinics “, commented Prof. Hristova.

“Currently in Bulgaria a complete hegemon is the Delta variant of the virus. It already generates 38 subvariants, which are also gaining momentum in our country. It is estimated that 85% collective immunity is needed to deal with it,” she concluded.

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