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Prof. Dr. Ceyhan explained on CNN Turk: There is a vaccine against mosaicism, but we have to be vigilant.


The President of the Infectious Diseases Association, Dr. Dr. Mehmet Ceyhanmade important statements about monkeypox on CNN Turk.

“You must be afraid”

Prof. Dr. The main points in Ceyhan’s statement are as follows:

You must be warned. this one epidemic disease. When people think of a pandemic, the Covid pandemic comes to mind. This is different from that. Covid was transmitted through breathing. Communication is the mode of transmission here. Hundreds of thousands of patients will not crowd into the hospital as in Covid.

“We must take care but we are not afraid”

How serious should we take it? 132 thousand patients were reported. 4 thousand 600 people lost their lives. The type we’re in now is 1. There’s a 4 percent mortality rate here. We must be careful but not afraid. It’s not like Covid. Workplaces etc. will not close.

“There is a vaccine and ‘six’ oldest vaccines that I know of”

There is a vaccine and ‘six’ known oldest vaccines. The only vaccine that eradicated smallpox. When smallpox was eradicated, so was the vaccine. It is very easy to develop a vaccine for this. Now they sell all over the world. It was done on women’s legs and men’s arms. This vaccine was withdrawn from use in 1980. There are people who were born before 80. This vaccine is confused with the smallpox vaccine. The vaccine has nothing to do with the person.


“Some information is incorrect”

There is some misinformation. It is said to be ’85 percent protected’. If done now, it will protect 85 percent. But the same situation is not true for those who received the vaccine at an earlier date. Yes, it protects it, but it is not known how much it protects as a percentage.


The name is because it was transferred from monkeys. monkey flower No. This is the name because it was first observed in monkeys. It has nothing to do with eating monkey meat etc. The transmission method is intimate. Sexual contact is the most dangerous. Including communication such as shaking hands and kissing. The current virus is not only transmitted through sexual contact. The virus in 2023 was mostly transmitted sexually.


This is the difference between Type1 and Type2; Type 2 has a low mortality rate, a low mortality rate, and is sexually transmitted. Type 1 is different. It can be moved in many ways, it is more deadly.

Will there be a quarantine?

There is no condition to impose a quarantine at this time. If the number of cases increases, quarantine must be imposed. If even one case is found in Turkey, things will change. Those who live in areas such as Yozgat, Samsun and Tokat need not fear. The onset of the disease can be delayed up to 21 days. It has an incubation period of 5 to 21 days. First the fever starts, then there are flu-like symptoms, and then the usual shedding occurs.

2024-08-21 18:16:25
#Prof #Ceyhan #explained #CNN #Turk #vaccine #mosaicism #vigilant

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