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Prof beheaded in Paris, the aunt of one of his students is part of ISIS

Ricard then went back to talking about the 18-year-old who beheaded the professor. The boy was called Abdoullakh Absezidvich Anzorov ed was Chechen, born in March 2002 in Moscow. Anzarov was not reported by the services as at risk of radicalization, but he was known for petty crimes and “benefited from refugee status in France”.

Killer neutralized with 9 bullets The 18-year-old fired on policemen who had ordered him to stop “with an Airsoft type firearm”. The police then “neutralized him with 9 bullets”. The assailant, the prosecutor said, spent Friday afternoon in front of the Conflans-Sainte-Honorine middle school, asking students who the teacher was who had shown the caricatures of Muhammad. Among other things, a photo of the victim, the claim message he posted on Twitter before being killed by the police and a photo of the body were found in the killer’s cell phone.

Before the killing, the name, surname and number of prof The pupil’s father who contested the lecture on freedom of expression, in which two of the caricatures of Muhammad were shown, “posted a text on his Facebook page” accusing the teacher “by naming him and adding his number. phone”. After the lecture on October 5, “a debate was organized from October 7 on the publication of the caricatures of Mohammed on the Facebook page of a student’s father. A reconstruction of the facts was disseminated in which an image of the naked prophet was spoken and invited to the mobilization against the professor “, added the prosecutor. The next day, the father of the pupil “accompanied by a second individual, was received by the school principal. The two forcefully demanded the professor’s dismissal. The same evening, the parent published the professor’s name and surname on social networks. phone number and urged ‘stop’. “

A demonstration organized to pay homage to Samuel Paty The editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo, together with the Dessinez Crèez Libertè and SOS Racisme associations, organized a demonstration to pay homage to Samuel Paty on Sunday 18 October, at 3 pm, in Place de la Rèpublique, Paris.

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