Home » today » World » Prof. Andrey Fursov: What’s behind the big reset? – 2024-08-14 17:22:51

Prof. Andrey Fursov: What’s behind the big reset? – 2024-08-14 17:22:51

/View.info/ I have repeatedly noticed that some, when trying to figure out ways to overcome the current super-crisis, succumb to the temptation or, let’s say, to the illusion that a new technological order will emerge and all problems will be solved. In general, I am deeply convinced that the theory of technological regimes in general and that of the sixth technological regime wrongly do not stand up to elementary scientific criticism, both methodologically and specifically factually. Well, to begin with, this technique or technology is an element of the social whole of a social system.

Believing that one element determines the development of the whole is a violation of the principle of consistency, and methodologically it is technological reductionism or determinism. We know very well from history that the laws of the social system determine the development of technology, not the other way around. In order for a technical invention to become an innovation, it must correspond to the character of a given social system, to the interests of its system-forming element, that is, the ruling class.

For example, the technical inventions of Antiquity were used as toys because machines could break a society based on slave labor. That is, the invention of the machine in late antiquity does not change history – the machine does not become an innovation, but simply remains a toy. Further on. Gunpowder was invented in China, as was the compass. But nevertheless, it was not the Chinese who discovered America.

From the end of the 1960s, the Western elite quite consciously, in their own class interests, began to slow down scientific and technical progress. The same thing happened with the Soviet nomenclature. She put the brakes on Academician Glushkov’s national automated OGAS system and blocked the introduction of cold fusion technology. Well, I’m not talking about how, at the turn of the XX-XXI century, financial capital is suffocating the real physical economy. This is about the inconsistency – theoretically and methodologically.

What about the facts? And it’s sad there. There is such a channel in Telegram “Academia” (t.me/akademia_space), I highly recommend it. The author of this channel quite rightly notes that “even for a few minutes, no more, agree with the theory of technological regimes and correlate with each of the 5, respectively. The loom, the steam engine, the electric motor, the internal combustion engine and the microprocessor, this is offered to us today as a symbol of the sixth technological order.

Biotechnology, space technology, fine chemistry, nanotechnology. None of these technologies has taken center stage and formed a certain regime around itself as a core. Artificial intelligence (AI) doesn’t work either. Moreover, the very introduction of AI and the “green” transition as the core of the new economic system is, firstly, pushed through administratively, not in a revolutionary technical way. There is no breakthrough here. The “green” economy is fully subsidized. And most importantly, in the digital “green” world, it is not technology, but finance and strict administrative control.”

I completely agree with the author who says that this new way of life is not technical at all, it is administrative. It is processed through an administrative process. If the technical changes of the last 2 centuries raised people’s living standards and stimulated economic growth, then the “new normal”, a la Schwab or the “green” economy with its supporters, directly says that “the concepts of “economic growth” and “quality of life’ are obsolete, they must be abandoned.

Besides, it is telling that they disappeared from the program documents of the Western European parties. And the “greens”, together with SIF, frankly say that “there will be a deterioration of people’s lives, a decline”. This is called stunting. So we should talk about the anti-technological order, not the technological one. And indeed, the so-called Sixth Technological Regime is, first, an anti-technological regime, and secondly, an administrative one. This is a development of deindustrialization, the blocking of scientific and technical progress.

And the same, by the way, is confirmed by Schwab himself, saying that his 4th industrial revolution is a change in the nature of man, not in the world around him. The previous three industrial revolutions changed the world. And I’ll refer to “Academy” again. The author is right when he says that the concept of the technological order in general and the 6th technological order is “a classic cargo cult, it is a blind faith in some material artefacts that in themselves really change lives”. As he writes, “The white devils seem to be strong because they have sticks to shoot, but the power of the white devils is not that they made the stick shoot, but that they built a society in which it was used.”

So, unfortunately, it’s not about technology. I regret this very much because I was brought up on the great seven popular science magazines Tech for Youth, Science and Life, Knowledge is Power, etc. And it is very unpleasant for me to see that the truly modern world, both technically and institutionally, goes back somewhere far away, at least to the XV-XVI centuries.

And here it must be admitted that, despite all his fraud, Schwab understands what a certain reality is. Indeed, there was some kind of spiral movement, and somehow we go back to the XV-XVI centuries. And Swabians are very, very welcome. Even now there is propaganda at the level of games. Recently, the administrator of one of my channels sent me the game “Renaissance World”, there is already a Russian version of it. We are talking about the XV-XVI century. And in the game description it says: “Young friend! We invite you to immerse yourself in the Renaissance era, in the XV-XVI centuries. This world was not created by the states, as everyone thinks, but by the bankers. You can play as bankers in this game and become a builder of a new world.”

That is, if earlier it was said that the modern world was created by modern states, here the emphasis is on something else. We are told that the world, this world of the 15th and 16th centuries, was created by the bankers. Even earlier, say, in the XIV century, these were Bardi and Peruzzi. In the 15th-16th century, these were the Medici, the Fuggers, etc. And the young player is invited to play just like a banker, but not in the modern world, but in the world of the XV-XVI centuries.

The fact that such an impact is already taking place at the level of games (and every game, computer or not, is a means of informational and psychological impact) suggests that we are not really being offered a new technological order, but a certain administrative order in which finance plays a crucial role in which deindustrialization took place. The world of the XV-XVI centuries is a pre-industrial world, a world in which there is a definite hierarchy. And this world is not democratic at all.

What Schwab, Bustrom and others write – they spin the story. No wonder Schwab’s term is “reset.” We translate it as “reboot”. Nothing like that! There is a difference between “reboot” and “reset”. And these guys are rearranging the history of the last 300-400, 300-250 years, the industrial era of capitalism, and trying to push us, both Schwab and Buström, who I’ll talk about in more detail, he’s less well-known among us , although the man is, in my opinion, much more dangerous than Uncle Schwab. Schwab is such a romantic villain. And Bustrom is so cold. SS Gestapo, in simple terms. So, they create a kind of neo-archaic, neo-barbaric or neo-feudal world based on the new technologies. But these technologies are imposed administratively. And these technologies are such that their use is limited, it will cover about 10% of people, 90% are relegated to the pre-industrial world. In the world of asymptotes.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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