Home » today » World » Prof. Andrey Fursov: They want to reverse evolution. 12 goals of the world’s elite – 2024-09-03 21:29:04

Prof. Andrey Fursov: They want to reverse evolution. 12 goals of the world’s elite – 2024-09-03 21:29:04

/View.info/ The biggest threat to the modern world is not demographic, not climatic, not energy, as follows from a number of reports, publications… All this is very important, but the most important and most dangerous thing for the modern world is the social catastrophe that the leaders of the world’s capitalist systems orchestrated to bring capitalism to a new state, post-capitalist.

And this happens on different levels. Highs vs. lows, highs vs. the middle layer. The struggle at the top of various regional groups, tribal groups and various forms of organization has also become extremely acute. For example, financiers versus industrialists, existentialists versus corporatocrats. That is, in other words, the unfolding social catastrophe is a transition to a new social system.

All this is very similar to what happened in Europe from the middle of the 15th to the middle of the 17th century, when a new one was created on the bones of the old system. And this threat is the most dangerous. The danger lies in this. Since the main object of appropriation in the post-capitalist society will be the immaterial factors of production, spiritual, informational – i.e. the needs, values, goal-setting of a person – it is the spiritual sphere that becomes the object of appropriation.

At a conference at the Santa Fe Complexity Institute (USA), ultra-globalists set the following goals that they want to achieve in 10-15 years:

1. Abolition of private and personal property.

2. Universal Basic Income for those who have accepted the “new normal”.

3. Canceling cash, replacing it with digital currency.

(I’ll add myself: digital currency is not money, but a means of social control.)

4. A system of hydrocarbon ratings for countries and corporations.

5. Hard social control (cameras on the streets, digitization).

6. Rationing of consumed food, energy and natural resources.

7. Patents for the seed fund and restriction of the possibility to eat food products of own production.

8. Attack on cattle breeding. Shifting the majority of the population to either artificial protein foods or vegetarian.

(I will add from myself: in the Netherlands, in Haarlem, from 2023 it is forbidden to advertise meat products, meat dishes in public places. More to come: according to media reports in October 2022, a decision was made in the Netherlands to buy forced 600 livestock farms from their owners. Goodbye to animal husbandry and high-quality protein foods.)

9. Birth control. (This is depopulation.)

10. Mandatory vaccination.

11. Severe restriction of alternative forms of treatment.

12. Obliteration (and later elimination) of gender differences.

The latter is nothing but a blow not only to the family, but also to man and humanity as a biological species.

Engels once called his work on civilization and how it differs from barbarism “The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State.” The fulfillment of the “Objectives …” involves the destruction of everything that has created human civilization.

We are not talking about simply appropriating the spiritual realm, but appropriating it becomes a basic form of production relations, as a Marxist would say. So the current struggle for traditional values, which is unfolding all over the world, it only refers to the past in form – the struggle for tradition, against some modernity.

This is a false approach. In fact, under the guise of a struggle for traditional values, a fundamentally new social, if you will, class struggle of a post-capitalist society begins to take shape.

Ultraglobalists seek not only to create a post-capitalism that is convenient for them on a global scale, but, first, to restart history in the form in which it developed after the Neolithic revolution, that is, the last 10-12 thousand years, and direct it to institutionalized neo-barbarism, futuro-archaism, and secondly, to put (socio-)biological evolution under control, turning it back and turning the majority of the planet’s population into social animals without qualities, without identity.

Some say: “Well, why resist, the bourgeoisie is strong anyway, they will win…”

First, it is not a fact that they will win. Second, it’s shameful not to fight back. But there is also something else, quite pragmatic. And history shows that this is exactly what happens in life. The fact is that no new social system wins by knockout. It’s always a compromise. And the more teeth a young predator loses from resistance at various levels, the more calm and humane, so to speak, the new system will be.

Here’s an example. There were three ways out of the crisis of feudalism. English, German and French. England became the hegemon of the capitalist system, but there the top crushed the bottom so much that their life was a nightmare even at the end of the 19th century.

Neither France nor Germany became hegemons. They took a worthy place, but did not become hegemons. However, the life of the lower and middle classes in the German lands, and from the late 19th century in unified Germany and in France, was much easier and more comfortable than the life of the British lower classes. Because in the XVI-XVII centuries, both the German population and the French actively resisted the emerging system and took many teeth out of it.

Therefore, what we now see in various countries is resistance to so-called progress. (As Jerzy Lek said, “If a monster starts using forks and knives, is that progress?”)

We do not need such progress. And in any case, there is the truth of the social system, there is the truth of the historical subject, the human truth. And therefore, if progress does not fit into that truth, then to hell with that progress.

In what concrete way can the new social struggle be expressed? It is the defense of traditional values, the defense of the right to privacy that they want to deprive us of. The right to raise children the way we want. That is, it is the right to be human.

Translation: SM

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