Famous insider Oops Leaks informed that the new part Bioshock is in production hell. Potential problems in the development of the project were known last year, but then Oops Leaks called them a simple restructuring.
Now, the situation appears to have worsened. According to an insider, the new Bioshock rebooted for the fourth time summer 2022. They did this allegedly due to the fact that the authors still have not been able to “write a script worthy of a famous franchise.” The setting of the game has probably remained the same, however, the game is currently being “dramatically rewritten”.
It is reported that there are constant changes in the development teams and project concepts. The work structure is highly disorganized. Oops Leaks notes staff turnover and a large number of contractors whose tasks are then redone by less qualified specialists.
Most of the problems in the development of the new Bioshock arose due to complications related to the coronavirus pandemic, Proposition 96, which was passed in Quebec to protect the French language, poor management, financial uncertainty and questionable decisions within companies.
Although Take-Two may still release in the new Bioshock in fiscal year 2025 (during this period, we recall, the company plans several major releases), this does not cancel the production hell. The insider notes that the only chance for the game is its announcement this summer, otherwise it may not see the light for a long time.
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