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Prodeco installed solar panels in Cesar

The Prodeco Group installed 228 solar panels in the fish farming projects it is developing in La Jagua de Ibirico and El Paso, the center of the department of Cesar, with an investment of more than 710 million pesos.

The fish farming projects will consume 50% less conventional energy thanks to the new photovoltaic energy installation that, in addition to being clean, contributes to the reduction of carbon emissions.

At the El Rocío fish farm in El Paso, 132 545-volt solar panels were installed, with an effective direct power generation capacity of 64 kilowatts/hour.

For its part, at the La Estrella fish farm in La Jagua de Ibirico, 96 545-volt solar panels were installed, with an effective direct power generation capacity of 40 kilowatts/hour.

Both systems will have the capacity to provide enough energy for the optimal functioning of the pools.

The total investment of this project exceeded 710 million pesos, which were allocated for the purchase, labor and maintenance of the solar panels.

Grupo Prodeco plans to integrate the photovoltaic energy systems to all the productive projects that it is developing, including the agricultural ones that it develops in the same properties where they work for the fish projects.

In this way, the Prodeco Group promotes sustainable development through a fair and equitable relationship between environmental, social and productive aspects.

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