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Proclamation of Gonzálo Pérez Jácome as Mayor Ends Uncertainty in Ourense Council

AG Tesouro / Javier Fraiz / A. Chao Ourense 06/17/2023 at 13:08 CEST

The uncertainty experienced until the last moment in the council of Ourense ends with the proclamation of Gonzálo Pérez Jácome as mayor. Voting discipline has been imposed in the PP and the signed agreement has been fulfilled on the edge between popular and DO. It stated that “to guarantee the governability of the Council and the Provincial Council”, both parties will leave the way free for in each entity the list with the most votes governsthat is, Jácome in the City Council and the popular candidate in the provincial government.

Where was the doubt until the last moment? In two or three PP councilors who would be willing to give their support to Francisco Rodríguez, PSOE candidate. If this had happened, and Rodríguez also added the votes of the BNG, he would have achieved enough support to take control. But the voting discipline of the PPdeG has avoided the surprise.

For its part, the PSOE, aware of this agreement “after the PP yesterday offered its votes to the socialist candidate”, understands that the PP has preferred to agree with Jácome and not make Rodríguez mayor, even knowing the BNG’s disposition towards the leftist candidate. From the party they assure that they will continue working to change the “disastrous policies” that have put Ourense “in the rear van.”

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