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Processes – Frankfurt am Main – Process: Out of anger about separation accident caused – panorama

Processes – Frankfurt am Main:Process: Accident caused out of anger over separation

Justitia can be seen on a pane at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court. Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa/Symbolbild (Photo: dpa)

Directly from the dpa news channel

Frankfurt / Main (dpa) – He is said to have caused a serious traffic accident out of anger about a separation. A 21-year-old is now on trial. The public prosecutor’s office charges him with attempted manslaughter, dangerous bodily harm and endangering road traffic, among other things. According to a tip from the juvenile criminal court, a conviction for attempted murder out of insidiousness could also be considered. On the first day of the hearing at the Frankfurt district court, only the indictment was read out.

The accused announced a statement for the following days of the trial. The accident happened in December 2020 on a federal road between Usingen in the Hochtaunus district and Bad Homburg. While the 17-year-old ex-girlfriend was sitting in the passenger seat, the accused suddenly pulled the car into the fast lane and collided head-on with an oncoming vehicle. The young woman suffered serious bone injuries and had to be operated on in the hospital.

The driver of the other car was also seriously injured and had to be hospitalized for a long time. The driver, on the other hand, suffered only minor injuries. The Criminal Court has initially scheduled four days of trial for the proceedings until mid-May.

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