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Problems threaten for large power companies: cabinet is considering billions of dollars injection

Over the past period, the cabinet has held intensive talks with network companies and their shareholders to find out what is needed to unblock the power grid, Jetten writes.


The problems on the power network are huge. In June, grid operator TenneT reported that new companies cannot be connected to the power grid in Brabant and Limburg for the time being, because it is full. It is also hidden around Amsterdam and Roelofarendsveen in South Holland.

Flooding of the power grid is also a major problem for the government’s green ambitions, in which extra electricity plays an enormous role. This ranges from gasless homes and neighborhoods and electric transport to windmills and solar meadows.

According to the network companies, tens of billions of euros will have to be invested in the necessary expansion and reinforcement of the power grid in the coming years. This requires a capital buffer; according to its own estimates, this concerns 4.5 billion euros until 2027.

capital injection

The cabinet is now investigating whether it should make a contribution to help companies with the necessary buffer. It is also examining whether other shareholders, including provinces and municipalities, can make a contribution.

The government parties hope that the required amount will ultimately be much lower than 4.5 billion. The cabinet wants to have this assessed independently, says Jetten.

‘Equity interest implies control’

The question is what would be in return for that extra capital. An equity interest of the state ‘also implies control and co-responsibility of the state in the companies’, according to Jetten. It is unclear whether the network companies are also waiting for that extra involvement.

Whether the cabinet ultimately decides to invest money in the companies, and how much, should become clear in the first half of next year.

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