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Probiotics can help fight hay fever

Current study by the ECARF shows that four months of taking pollagen significantly reduces allergic symptoms

Munich (ots)

Summer is here and the blooming meadows invite you to sunbathe or have a picnic in the meadow. But this does not apply to allergy sufferers – for them, the meadows can become torture. Because the grass pollen is flying intensely. And in hay fever patients, these pollen can cause sneezing fits, a runny or stuffy nose, and red, itchy eyes. To alleviate these symptoms, allergy sufferers often resort to antihistamines, which can, however, have side effects such as fatigue and headaches.

Study conducted for the first time in this manner in a pollen provocation chamber

But these side effects don’t have to be. Probiotics – living bacteria – can help reduce allergy symptoms. A recent study by the “European Center for Allergy Research” (ECARF) in Berlin with the probiotic pollagen confirms this assumption. The most important study results have just been presented as a poster at the EAACI Congress (European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology).

In the context of this study, thirty birch pollen allergy sufferers diagnosed with hay fever were exposed to standardized allergen exposure in a so-called pollen provocation chamber at the ECARF Institute and the allergic symptoms were recorded. After taking the probiotic pollagen for four months, they were again exposed to an identical amount of pollen in the provocation chamber and their allergic symptoms were evaluated. It was the first study to subject patients in a pollen challenge chamber to a highly standardized exposure to birch pollen to study the effects of probiotics. (1)

Study shows significant improvement in eye and nose symptoms after four months of ingestion

The study showed a significant improvement in nose and eye symptoms and a significant improvement in bronchial complaints. The four-month intake of pollagen could thus significantly reduce the allergic complaints of these hay fever patients. The Probiotic Pollagen contains specifically selected lacto- and bifidobacteria, as well as prebiotic fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), which promote the growth and activity of these lactic acid bacteria.

“The probiotic pollagen helps to reduce eye and nose symptoms and even asthmatic symptoms,” confirms Prof. Dr. med. Karl-Christian Bergmann, senior study doctor at ECARF and allergist and pulmonologist at Charité Berlin, and head of the German Pollen Information Service Foundation.

Probiotics work through the intestine and can have a beneficial effect on the immune system

Probiotics are a new approach in allergy therapy and target the intestinal flora, also known as the microbiome. If this gets out of balance through a one-sided diet or antibiotics, illnesses can be favored. “Among other things, a changed composition of the gut microbiome can be linked to an allergy risk“explains Dr. Sonja Guethoff, Medical Director at Bencard Allergy.” A balanced microbiome, on the other hand, can have a beneficial effect on the immune system. This is indicated by more and more scientific studies. “

Pollagen is suitable for adults and children from 1 year and is available in the pharmacy

To restore the balance of the microbiome, probiotics such as pollagen can be taken. The dietary supplement pollagen is suitable for adults and children from one year. It is available for sale over the counter in the pharmacy. You can start taking pollen at any time, including in the current pollen season. For optimal success, daily intake as a cure for three to four months is recommended.

More information can be found at: www.pollagen.de


(1) Bergmann K. C., Hiller J., Becker S., Kugler S., Tapparo M., Pfaar O., Kramer M. F., Guethoff S., Graessel A. Significant improvement of Allergy Symptoms after probiotic food supplementation measured in an allergen exposure chamber. Published on EAACI 2020: poster number: 1827.

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Dr. Manuela Olhausen, Communication & PR Manager, +49 (0) 89 368 11- 336, [email protected]

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