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PROBE. High prices – whose fault is it? The Poles replied

Russia, the EU climate policy and the Polish government are responsible for high fuel and energy prices. In turn, the increases in basic articles clearly go to the account of the current government, which, in addition, is not doing enough to protect households from high prices, according to the IBRiS survey for Rzeczpospolita.

To the question “Who is responsible for the increase in energy and gas prices?”, the respondents indicated three factors: Russia (56%), the climate policy of the European Union (50.6%) and the government (48.1%). The fewest indications as the entity responsible for the increases are given to energy companies (36.6%), global problems related to Covid-19 (28.4%) and the opposition (9.4%).

Another issue raised in the survey was the increase in the prices of basic products, such as bread, sugar and flour.

The largest group of respondents believe that the government (63.5%), the global economic problems related to the pandemic (59.8%) and the National Bank of Poland (32.3%) are responsible for it.

—Indicates the log. The least to blame is the European Union (17.3%) and the opposition (8.5%). As the journal explains, more than one answer could be chosen for both questions.

Another question from the survey concerned the rescue actions of Mateusz Morawiecki’s office. IBRiS asked “Is the government taking adequate measures to protect households from the effects of price increases?”.

Almost 60 percent of respondents believe that no (definitely not – 35.8%, rather not – 23.7%). The government’s actions are positively assessed by slightly over 37 percent. respondents (definitely yes – 5.7%, rather yes – 31.7%)

—He marks “Rzeczpospolita”.

The IBRiS telephone survey commissioned by Rzeczpospolita was conducted on 7-8 January on a sample of 1100 respondents.

kk / PAP

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