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probationary stay after rebellion and outrage

Drunk, a young man did not want to be controlled by the police and rebelled. He was recently tried by the Bordeaux Criminal Court

Thursday June 10, 2021, Cours Pasteur in Bordeaux. The tram is getting ready to go to Place de la Victoire. Passengers block access to a youngster whom they ask to put on a mask. A police patrol observes the scene and decides to check the young man who staggers and smells strongly of alcohol.

He does not give way. He insults the police officers, refuses control, walks away, comes back towards them, blocks his arms and clings to the street furniture when they decide to call him out, vociferates, rebels, struggles and falls to the ground with them. A knife is seized on him. Brought back to the police station, he degraded an armature of the custody cell and further insulted the police.

Dessoûlée, it is no longer the same person who appears under escort at the hearing of the immediate appearances, this Monday, June 14, 2021, at the Criminal Court of Bordeaux. The 19-year-old Guinean even reverses the roles, claims to have been “beaten up”. He has “no interest” in going to prison, it would ruin his future.

The lawyer for the police officers, injured during the intervention “while they were on a security mission” and “spend their time rounding off angles on the ground”, speaks of “an incredible scene”.

The deputy prosecutor, Jean-Luc Puyo is willing to recognize the suffering of the defendant who lost a loved one on the long migratory path that led him to France. “But if we are not responsible for the slaps we take in the face, we are responsible for what we do with them.” He requires six months in prison, two of which are suspended on probation and continued detention.

A disproportionate sentence for the defense. “He did not beat, he did not bring down the police officer, it is the opposite”, pleads the lawyer who admits that her client is in great need of care but will not survive an incarceration which would be a brake on its integration.

The court sentenced him to a three-month probationary period including an obligation of care.

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