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Pro-Palestinian Rally at Berlin’s Free University Raises Awareness of Genocide and Calls for Ceasefire

Berlin (dpa/bb) – Dozens of people, including students, came to a pro-Palestinian rally in front of the Free University (FU) of Berlin on Friday afternoon. Participants in the rally waved Palestine flags and held banners reading “Stop the Genocide” and “Ceasefire now Stop the war.” The police counted around 160 participants.

The call for the rally published on the Internet mentioned, among other things, genocide in connection with the war in the Gaza Strip. Israel is accused of apartheid.

There was a counter-demonstration on the sidelines of the rally. About ten people showed Israel flags. The police positioned themselves between the two events.

A pro-Palestinian demonstration on Saturday was advertised. A Marxist university group had invited people to a “Rally for Palestine” in front of the university cafeteria.

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2023-11-04 00:45:32
#ProPalestinian #demonstration #counterdemonstration #front

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