Since the terrorist attack on Israel, there have been several pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Austria, in which participants cheered the radical Islamist Hamas.
On Saturday, hundreds will once again demonstrate their hatred of Israel in Vienna: it starts at 3 p.m. at the EU House, then it will go to the US Embassy. The police did not prohibit the rally. At the request of eXXpress, the police said: “This meeting was not prohibited by the LPD Vienna and is therefore taking place to the extent indicated.” In general, “we are once again extensively prepared for the coming weekend of meetings.”
Hundreds of terror fans gathered at Stephansplatz on October 11th – even though the demonstration was banned. Now many Viennese are worried that significantly more people will demonstrate in the Austrian capital on Saturday and wreak havoc. The organizers are currently expecting 1,000 participants.
The call was made by the radical left-wing platform “Palestinian Solidarity Austria”, which also includes BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions), which Austria officially classifies as anti-Semitic. She also called for the protest. Terror fans are already mobilizing massively on relevant groups and social media channels.
It is the same organizer of the anti-Israel demonstration on October 11th, which was briefly banned by the police. 500 people, mostly young men of Arab origin, marched through the city center and chanted anti-Semitic slogans in front of Vienna’s Stephansplatz. 292 people were reported by the police under the Assembly Act.
Hamas has called for global protests over the weekend. After the explosion in a hospital in Gaza – presumably caused by a crashed Islamist rocket – there were serious riots in Berlin and Paris this week.
2023-10-21 14:42:44
#major #alarm #Vienna #Police #Israel #haters #demonstrate