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Pro Oncavi urges to raise awareness of lung cancer

by: Uniradio Informs – 7 December 2020, 10:33 am

-He is known as the serial killer of Oncology

-Share the first place in world incidence with breast cancer

TIJUANA.- Lung cancer is the cancer that kills the most people in the world and in our country it is no exception, as stated by Dr. Homero Fuentes de la Peña; Medical Oncologist and President of Pro Oncavi AC

“Unfortunately, Lung Cancer shares with Breast Cancer the first place in world incidence with 11.6% of all cases of Cancer, this represents just over 2 million people affected, being more common in men than in women , but it must be recognized that in the last two decades “the gap has been closing”, so that today we have 52% men and 48% women in world statistics and in Mexico the proportion is 55% vs. 45% favorable also to the masculine gender “

Homero Fuentes indicated that certainly tobacco use is the most important risk factor, but there are other related factors that are not taken into account by most of us, neither by the government, nor by the health authority, such as risk faced by people exposed to wood smoke, which is the most common cause of lung cancer in women in rural Mexico or among taqueros, taxi drivers, truck drivers and other people exposed to various air pollutants such as radon or asbestos.

Individualized therapy and its average cost is around 100,000 pesos per month, far from the reach of most Mexicans and being a reality that there is no availability of modern drugs in the Health Institutions of our country and only 5% of Mexicans have insurance for major medical expenses.

“In addition, the times for care in the health system that range between 8 and 10 months to start a treatment, the same period that just a little more than a decade ago was the life expectancy that a patient with advanced lung cancer had. that lung cancer is a true serial killer “

The earliest symptoms that should alert the patient to seek immediate consultation are: cough lasting more than 3 weeks, chest-back pain, fatigue and / or weight loss without a clear reason, in more advanced stages: blood in sputum, pain or broken bones, headache or even seizures or severe liver and abdominal problems.

Finally, he said that En Pro Oncavi AC started an information and awareness campaign on this serious problem and that they were formally invited to participate as members of the United Front for Lung Cancer: “United to transform the care of Lung Cancer in Mexico and achieve the guarantee of a dignified and comprehensive treatment for all people ”, in which other Associations such as Respirando con Valor AC, Fundación Rebeca de Alba and Fundación Salvati participate, whose objective will be to influence the design of public policies and information campaigns on this condition ”.

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