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PRO-GE Salzburg: Immoral and scandalous behavior by the Salzburg Chocolate company

Vienna (OTS) –

When the planned closure of Salzburg Chocolate was announced, the responsible trade union PRO-GE in Salzburg called for a social plan to be negotiated for the long-time employees. A proposal that was rejected by the management and thus has a direct impact on the termination of the employment relationship, as the PRO-GE secretary Franz Fellner, who is responsible for operations, can report: “We check each individual termination for legality and, if necessary, file a lawsuit. However, there is no doubt that this behavior should be rejected from a purely human and moral point of view. To say the least, it is unworthy of a traditional Salzburg business!”

Employees whose employment relationships are subject to protection against dismissal are dragged to court. This applies to women who are on maternity leave as well as members of the works council or employees with disabilities. Since these employment relationships cannot simply be terminated unilaterally, the consent of the court or the disability committee is required. “How the affected colleagues feel is probably understandable for everyone. We support them as best we can and have already achieved partial success. But it breaks your heart when you look at the individual fates,” says Fellner, commenting on the current situation.

Management could have invested money better

PRO-GE state manager Daniel Mühlberger is also stunned. “The management refuses to spend money to negotiate a social plan for the employees and prefers to spend the money on lawyers and legal proceedings,” summarizes Mühlberger. In addition, the management of Salzburg Chocolate now pays a considerable monthly amount to a temporary worker company in order to fulfill existing orders.

There is a suspicion that the legality of terminating some employment relationships is not given. The union is currently working intensively on examining each individual case and exhausting all legal options to protect employees. “Without the work and loyalty of its employees, Salzburg Chocolate would never have become a traditional Salzburg business. Therefore, we will not give up and will fight until the end for fair treatment of the employees in this company,” promise Mühlberger and Fellner.

The affected temporary workers were informed about the conditions and their rights at a meeting today. “These colleagues also have a right to know which game they have to take part in,” reports Fellner.


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