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PRM Accessible Workshop: Taking Action on Climate Change

Room with PRM access.

⚠️ Led by volunteers, these public sessions are primarily intended for individuals; professional participants are accepted, up to a limit of 2 representatives per company.

💡 Workshop content

🌍 Faced with the climate emergency, we don’t always know how to act? Eco-gestures or collective actions? Become a flexitarian or buy second-hand? Renovate your home or get around by bike? Get involved in an association or in your work?

🌡️ In this workshop, youOur mission will be to build a transition scenario, in order to limit climate change to +1.5°C. We will have to take action and make decisive individual and collective choices for the next 30 years. Each action will have an impact on your greenhouse gas emissions!

☀️ What actions should be carried out? Which have the most impact? What is my role in the ecological and social transition?

👋 Come and find out by participating in the workshop.

2024-01-30 01:04:00
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