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Privatize Codelco, sell TVN and lower taxes: the UDI bank’s proposal in the face of crisis | National

The bench of deputies the UDI presented a document with a series of proposals to overcome the economic crisis caused by the covid-19 pandemic, among which the decrease in taxes and privatize Codelco.

“Proposal for the Bank of Deputies UDI: Political, economic and social measures to overcome the pandemic”, the document is titled, where they propose: reduce the number of ministries, sell TVN in its entirety, reduce State personnel, elimination of programs, modernization of public services and the privatization of Codelco.

According to the document, the privatization of the copper company “would allow a very relevant income for the State, and that could be used in social benefits. Likewise, the privatization could continue generating surpluses for the state, through the collection of taxes and the mining royalty, considering the efficiency of the private sector. ”

The proposal explains that in 2014 Codelco was valued at US $ 50,500 million and that this value has increased six times since that year.

On THE T.V, maintain that “the state channel has been losing for many years and does not fulfill a relevant public role. Its sale is suggested, to avoid that the State continues to waste its money ”.

Regarding taxes, call to reduce VAT in half to those activities most affected by quarantines (restaurants and tourism), until the end of 2021. For the other activities, a reduction to 17% is proposed until December 2021, rising to 18% in 2022 and resuming the current 19 % in 2023.

It also “suggests reducing, until the end of 2022, at 20% the corporate tax rate -as a post-pandemic reactivation mechanism-, to then leave it at 25%, OECD average (Chile today has a rate of 27%). “

“I found out from the press”

Although the proposal was signed by the UDI bench of deputies, there were some parliamentarians who did not approve the document before it was released, as was the case with Issa Kort, who assured that it was “learned by the press”.

“I learned from the press that the UDI Bank (my bench) proposes privatize Codelco. I want to say clearly that I do NOT support that proposal. Codelco is a company in the State of Chile and must continue to be so. That proposal does NOT represent me in the least and I will not support it, ”he posted on his Twitter account.

But Kort was not the only one, also the deputy Sergio Gahona indicated that he was not notified of the document and that he does not support the privatization of the copper company either.

“As a member of the mining commission and the UDI Bank (also my bank) I am NOT available to privatize Codelco“, he claimed.

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