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Private sector announces readiness to hold APEC CEO Summit, plans to generate 20 billion baht

Mr. Sanan Angubolkul, Chairman of the Board of the Thai Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Trade of Thailand As Chairman of the Joint Committee, 3 private sector institutions (KorKor.) disclosed Thailand’s readiness to host APEC this week. The private sector has held important meetings and seminars just like the public sector. from the big private sector event Hosted by APEC is the APEC CEO Summit on 17-18 November 2022 to discuss and exchange ideas among APEC’s top businessmen from 21 economic regions. Leaders will be invited. and prominent people worldwide from both public and private sector giving speeches on various topics which has now been accepted by a large number of leaders The main objective of this event is to promote free trade and investment. Including social cooperation and development in all dimensions.

for the opportunities of Thai people and the Thai economy Hosting the APEC CEO Summit 2022 will help Thailand increase its trade competitiveness. and a system was developed to facilitate trade and investment. reduction and elimination of trade barriers as well as improving the competitiveness of Thai small and medium-sized entrepreneurs to enter the global trading system. It supports regional economic integration.

At the same time, it will also help open up business, investment and tourism opportunities. To entrepreneurs and Thai people, especially the gathering of leaders, important people, including CEOs. by public and private organizations from around the world who this time were invited to share business ideas They are all those who play an important role in changing the direction of the world economy.

“This is a great opportunity for Thailand and for all Thai people. to learn about and recognize global economic changes and trends as APEC is an economic area with a combined GDP of at least 60% and is the fastest growing and largest economy in the world. the lives of people in the region of Asia-Pacific is huge.”

In addition to the APEC CEO SUMMIT event, there is also a major Ministry of Education internship taking place during this week. Which consists of the APEC Business Advisory Council – ABAC meeting between November 14-15, where Kriangkrai Thiennukul, President of the Federation of Thailand Industries (FTI) is the President of APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC). , ABAC is regarded as a private sector agency representing the corporate sector in an advisory capacity. Advise economic zone leaders on trade and investment promotion activities. Following the meeting in this forum, the ABAC topics will be presented to the leaders of the 21 economic zones during 18-19 November.

Mr. Sanan said that Hosting a meeting that has rotated over the past 20 years will bring international attention back to Thailand again. We must use this opportunity to expand international trade. Including creating and promoting more free trade agreements with other countries, as well as showcasing Thailand’s potential. Let the international see the readiness in terms of economy, trade, investment and tourism. Which in the next period will benefit the recovery of the Thai economy. Especially to make foreigners understand the BCG model which is the way to lead the Thai economy. This is in line with COP27 and creates a new standard for raising the level of economic development in environmentally conscious countries.

By organizing this meeting This is therefore an important opportunity for Thailand. Because it will be an opportunity for 21 economic zones and 3 special guest countries of the government, Saudi Arabia. His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Crown Prince, Prime Minister and Defense Minister Saudi Arabia will bring more than 600 Saudi delegates to visit Thailand, meeting with the Prime Minister of Thailand on November 18 at Government House. The highlight will be the signing of two major Memoranda of Understanding on investment cooperation. and Science Technology and Innovation Including having a forum to match trade negotiations with the Thai private sector. to guide Thai and Saudi joint investment that the Thai Chamber of Commerce believes that this section will open up opportunities. Not only the APEC or ASEAN multilateral frameworks, but also the bilaterals have opportunities.

France, Mr. Emmanuel President Macron There will be a discussion of the Prime Minister of Thailand. of French-Thai R&D cooperation in particular rubber R&D Including the expansion of the investment of Michelin, one of the largest tire manufacturers in Thailand. and the Thai government invited Somdet Hun Sen Prime Minister of Cambodia as a special guest of the government This will enhance the importance of Southeast Asia. As a region with high economic growth prospects, although Cambodia is not a member of APEC But this year, Cambodia is the ASEAN presidency. It will be an opportunity to work together to play a role. and take care of the problems that also arise in Asia-Pacific

In addition, accepting the invitation of Mr. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China Will strengthen the relationship between the two countries. As a comprehensive strategic cooperation partner between Thailand and China, which marks its 10th anniversary this year, leading to the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 2025, and there will be discussions to accelerate various plans to connect trade mutual investment In particular, the connection between the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and the EEC will give concrete results more quickly.

Another interesting point is Sustainability in Thailand focuses on the concept of Bio-Circular-Green Economy Model (BCG), which consists in The bioeconomy uses biological resources to create added value. Use biological resources to develop high-value products. The circular economy is the use of various materials. come back to take advantage of it as much as possible And the green economy (Green Economy) is economic development together with social development. and maintain a balanced and sustainable (sustainable) environment

However, the survey before the meeting showed that Most entrepreneurs, however, are aware of the environment and sustainability. But many industries still do not understand the concept and expansion of BCG. This opportunity will create awareness in a wide area, and entrepreneurs can understand the concept of BCG application, such as introducing various varieties of rice. Improved to obtain high rice quality. Selling cheaply in the world market, such as rice berry, or using herbs such as Andrographis paniculata to make mouth spray to prevent COVID-19 infection All these are derived from adopting BCG approach to increase value . And under the consideration of a sustainable environment in the future.

Mr. Sanan said that in organizing this event, the Thai Chamber of Commerce attaches great importance to the new generation by organizing the APEC CEO SUMMIT to give young people an opportunity. Also known as YEC by each province to attend and learn about foreign affairs. including the international economy which these new generation will be proud of as a participant in shaping the economic future of the country and will be a major force in driving the economy of each province in the future

“Overview of this year’s APEC Thailand, the Thai Chamber of Commerce expects there will be guests from the government sector. And hosting private events, including at least 5,000 followers, is expected to generate direct money into the system immediately about 1,000-2,000 million baht and from this hosting. There will be press releases and Thailand’s public relations to the world. it will affect confidence in Thailand both from a commercial point of view Tourism and international investment especially public relations Thai soft power for foreigners to see Indirect evaluation after work There will be 20,000 million baht of money in the Thai economy”.

For economic zone leaders who have officially confirmed their presence, such as US Vice President Kamala Harris, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, French President Emmanuel Macron, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc, President of Vietnam, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, President of Peru Jose Pedro Castillo Terrones and Gabriel Boric Font, President of Chile

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