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Private Investors Challenge Government Rental Rules: Lawsuit and Compensation for Rental Property Value

ANPSocial rental properties

NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 08:52

A group of private investors is going to court to challenge the government’s rental rules. They want compensation because they believe that the value of their property is not sufficiently reflected in the rents they are allowed to charge.

Private landlords may only count the WOZ value of homes for one third in the points system for rental properties. This rule means that tens of thousands of homes will end up in the social sector with a maximum rental price. Before the introduction of the rule, there was no maximum rent for these homes.

The measure limits rents, especially in large cities, where many homes have a high WOZ value. The government introduced the rule last year.

Investors consider the rules to be an infringement of their property rights. That’s why they have now filed a lawsuit. They want the rules to be repealed and compensation for their damages.

The Fair Rent Foundation has filed the case on behalf of about four hundred investors who together rent out at least 10,000 houses.

2023-10-16 06:52:53
#Housing #investors #suing #state #rental #rules

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