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Prisoners take guards hostage in Russian prison

The number of victims in the Russian prison is still unknown. Photo: AFP

At least three hostages y Four mutineers died on Friday at the bloody take a jail from the region of Volgogradin the southeast of Russiaauthorities reported.

What is known about the Russian prison riot?

According to authorities, the riot hard several hours and it is said, it seems to bear the mark of the jihadist organization Islamic State (EI). This would be the second in one Russian prison in just over two months.

According to the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN), los four inmates They took as hostages a eight guardians. In addition to Four more arrested in the “penal colony number 19”.

“Los criminals stabbed to four Guardians“, causing them wounds “of varying severity“, the FSIN said in a statement message published in Telegram.

He balance of victims among the Guardians and the prisoners taken as hostages still It is not clear. The information communicated by various authorities indicates three or four dead and a variable number of injured.

According to the FSIN, the four attackers were “liquidated” and the four inmates that they took as hostages were injured.

Shortly before, the Russian National Guard indicated that their “Special unit snipers (…) neutralized four prisoners who had taken prison staff hostage with four precise shots.”

The Penitentiary colony number 19 it’s a penal establishment of “severe regime”that is, with conditions of strict detentionIt is located in the town of Raw materialabout 120 kilometers west of Volgogradthe capital regional.

Who organized the prison hostage-taking?

According to reports, the seizure of hostages would have been orchestrated by supporters of the jihadist organization Islamic State (NO).

In addition, some Russian media outlets have begun to broadcast videos, allegedly, of the Russian prison riot. One of these images shows a room with the covered ground of sangre.

It is also seen four men con uniforms, lying down y bloodiedsome apparently lifelessand at least two others standing next to a third individual what speaks in Arabic.

These The latter claim then, in Russianits membership in the NO while one holds a knife in one thousand and, in the other, to one of the alleged guards by the neck.

“Any person on our territory is obliged to respect and observe the laws of Russiathe governor of the Volgograd region said on Telegram, Andrei Bocharov. “We will not allow anyone to try to foment ethnic discord,” added.

In the middle of Juneseveral members of ISIS were killed slaughtered after taking as hostages a two guardians from a prison of the region of Rostovneighbor to that of Volgograd.

In Russia Several are counted attacks claimed for that jihadist organizationalthough the influence of this is limited in the country.

The worst attack in the last twenty years in Russiaclaimed by the NOoccurred at the end of Marchwhen gunmen attacked the Crocus City Hall concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow, killing a 145 personas e injuring hundreds.

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