Professional soldier Enar Fidel Cuervo Colorado, 46, was sent to prison for allegedly committing sexual acts against a 14-year-old minor. The events occurred in the village of La Arrinconada de Dominguillo, rural area of Santander de Quilichao, Cauca.
Web/LN Editorial
The Attorney General’s Office obtained an intramural security measure against the professional soldier Enar Fidel Cuervo Colorado, 46, as the alleged perpetrator of the crime of violent sexual act.
According to the investigation carried out by servers from the Technical Investigation Corps, CTI, Cuervo Colorado is prosecuted for events that occurred on November 21, 2023 in a home in the La Arrinconada de Dominguillo village, rural area of Santander de Quilichao.

In the process it was established that the soldier, under the pretext of asking for water, entered the property, had intimidated a minor with his weapon and proceeded to commit sexual acts.
The man was detained by CTI officials, along with members of the Children and Adolescents of the National Police and soldiers of the National Army in the Chirivico village of this northern Caucano municipality.
An itinerant local prosecutor assigned to the Center for Attention to Victims of Sexual Abuse (CAIVAS), managed to get the criminal judge with control of guarantees to endorse the indictment of charges and send Enar Fidel Cuervo to prison.