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Prioritizing Teacher Professionalization and Educational Development in Cuba

The professionalization of teachers has been identified as a top priority in the educational system of Cuba, according to the country’s Minister of Education, Naima Trujillo. In an interview with the Granma newspaper, Trujillo emphasized the importance of developing the competencies of teachers at all levels, including scientific and methodological preparations.

Cuba’s educational institutions are characterized by a diverse mix of teachers, including those in training, recent graduates, hired teachers, and retirees who have returned to the sector. Trujillo highlighted the need to prioritize the professional development of these teachers to ensure the quality of education in the country.

The Ministry of Education has implemented a plan for the training of doctors, with over 60 professionals expected to pre-defend and defend their degrees this year. Trujillo also discussed the teaching coverage for the next academic year, noting that the situation in each territory has already been identified. Havana, in particular, faces a complex scenario.

While some provinces in Cuba have teaching coverage above the national average, others have more unfavorable indices. To address this, the ministry has devised a comprehensive strategy to mitigate the risk of educational quality in these territories. Trujillo mentioned the possibility of transferring professionals from regions with surplus teachers to areas with a shortage, ensuring that the school structures are adequately staffed at all levels.

Another priority for the ministry is the deployment of the lines of work derived from the Improvement of Education, which is currently in its third stage. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the ministry has introduced experimental changes and new forms of work to enhance innovation in teaching methods and learner-centered approaches. Collaboration with municipal authorities, provinces, and the country as a whole is crucial in creating a network that maximizes the expertise and resources available.

Looking ahead to the 2023-2024 school year, the Ministry of Education anticipates a significant moment of deployment and consolidation of these processes. With a natural course of 46 weeks and an extension of face-to-face learning close to normal, the ministry aims to implement modifications and improvements in the education system. This includes the reissue and redesign of textbooks at all levels and the implementation of methodological guidelines.

Trujillo acknowledged that the economic situation in the country has slowed down the process of improving the infrastructure of educational institutions. However, the government remains committed to enhancing the infrastructural quality of schools at all levels to provide free, inclusive, and quality education.

(Source: Latin Press)

How is Cuba ensuring that all subjects and levels have qualified teachers in its efforts to improve the quality of education?

Ng that efforts are being made to ensure that all subjects and levels have qualified teachers.

Trujillo further expressed the importance of continuous professional learning for teachers, stating that it is essential for them to stay updated with the latest research, methodologies, and technologies in education. This will enable them to provide the best possible education to their students.

To achieve this goal, Cuba has established a system of teacher training schools throughout the country. These schools focus on providing teachers with a solid foundation in pedagogy, as well as specialized training in their respective subject areas.

Additionally, the Ministry of Education is working on improving the quality of education by implementing new teaching methodologies and techniques. This includes the use of technology in the classroom, which enhances student engagement and facilitates interactive learning experiences.

Trujillo also stressed the importance of collaboration and exchange among teachers. By participating in professional development workshops and conferences, teachers can learn from each other’s experiences and share best practices.

The professionalization of teachers in Cuba is seen as a crucial step towards improving the overall quality of education in the country. By investing in the development of its teachers, Cuba is ensuring that its students receive the best education possible and are prepared for success in the future.

2 thoughts on “Prioritizing Teacher Professionalization and Educational Development in Cuba”

  1. This article highlights the importance of prioritizing teacher professionalization and educational development in Cuba. It is crucial to invest in the growth and training of educators to ensure quality education for all students. By empowering teachers, we can pave the way for a brighter future and stronger educational system in Cuba.

  2. It is crucial for Cuba to prioritize teacher professionalization and educational development to ensure a brighter future for its students. By investing in the continuous training and support of teachers, the country can provide a high-quality education system that nurtures each student’s potential. This article highlights the significance of this initiative and emphasizes the positive impact it can have on Cuba’s education landscape.


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