The event with the theme “Employees and Addictions. Causes, Prevention and Treatment”, co-organized by the Labor Center of Ioannina, the Prevention Center “Shedia” and KETHEA Epirus.
The common conclusion of all those who took part was that this is an underestimated problem, which does not receive organized intervention, a situation which must change, as addiction problems increase and swell. The representatives of all three bodies agreed that Wednesday’s event should be the beginning for substantial claims and interventions, expressing the willingness to cooperate in the next steps.
“Today we are planting the seed and we hope that this event will also lead to the taking of actions, which will have multiple benefits for all employees in their workplace, for their families, but also for the local and wider society,” said the president of the “Schedia” Prevention Center Sofia Markoula in her greeting, with the head of KETHEA Epirus Yiannis Papachristos adding: “This event should not remain a ray of light, but should be followed by action and action in the workplaces.
On the part of the Labor Center, there was a commitment to continue the effort to inform the workplace through the primary unions, while an idea that will be immediately implemented is the sharing of the details of the agencies in the area, to which employees with addiction problems can contact seek support.
There was also an agreement that the existence of an occupational psychologist in large workplaces should be claimed, as occupational physicians cannot under any circumstances deal with addiction issues, while both the “Schedia” Prevention Center and KETHEA expressed willingness to organize workplace meetings;
In addition to the agreement on the continuation of the initiatives, the common theme of the speakers and those who were placed, was the need to deal with the causes that lead to addiction phenomena, “Choosing to solve life problems with substances is a wrong way”, characteristically stated the scientific manager of the “Schedia” Prevention Center, professor of Health Education at the Pedagogical Department of Kindergarten Teachers of the University of Ioannina Vassilis Koutras in his speech, noting the need for collective action.
Speakers at the event were also the sociologist PhD in the Mobile Unit of KETHEA EPIROS Napoleon Papageorgiou and the member of the management of the Labor Center and president of the Dairy-Food-Beverage union of Ioannina Prefecture Dimitris Kalyvas, while the president of the Labor Center Nikos delivered a greeting Exarch.
Placements were made, among others, by Tina Zekas, the president of the Local Government Association of Ioannina, and Tasos Tokas, the president of the Union of Parents of Pupils of the Municipality of Ioannina.
The event was attended by, among others, the mayor of Ioannina Dimitris Papageorgiou, the head of the faction “Unity of Citizens of Nea Giannina” Thomas Begas and the former president of the Union of Epirus Hospital Doctors and member of the board. of “Shedia” Margarita Kitsanou.