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princess “of peace” among the Zulus to end the war of succession- Corriere.it

from Enrica Roddolo

New intervention, the last say from the enturage for Charlne, for months under treatment in her land from where the work of her foundation continues and where she offers herself as mediator for the difficult succession to King Goodwill Zwelithini

Smiling but evidently suffering, with a Rosary around his neck and the Bible open in front of him for comfort, the Princess Charlene he had entrusted to social media days ago a snapshot of his daily life in South Africa where for months blocked by the disease. Yesterday the news leaked from its founding of a new operation, the last hope in the entourage of the princess. Her Serene Highness Princess Charlene of Monaco will be placed under general anaesthetics for her final procedure taking place today, wrote the Princess Charlne of Monaco Foundation, wishing the best for this umpteenth intervention.

So, even if rumors about
clutches in the family behind the long absence of the princess from Monaco, it is increasingly evident that the former Olympic swimmer who met Alberto at a swimming competition (their love came to light instead with the first photos on the Turin 2006 Olympic stands), is not well . What if is treated in South Africa because the infection did not allow air transfers to Munich (due to ear pressure problems during the flight), it cannot be forgotten that a country of advanced medical research. After all, the pioneer of the first heart transplants, the surgeon Christiaan Barnard worked in South Africa where he was born and trained.

Charlene, for months in her homeland, in the moments when the disease arose from an operation of bone implant to the jaw, as for the dental implants, degenerated into a thousand complications, he assures her some respite, he has not stopped engaging with the work of his foundation that fights the drama of drowning deaths. Not only. Days ago the princess sent her offer of mediation to find a peaceful way to the difficult succession after her death last March of re Zulu, Goodwill Zwelithini.

Charlene has always been very close to King Goodwill Zwelithini, so much so that his blond bob stood out months ago among the many people who attended the funeral of the guide of the main South African ethnic group. And now that the internal war is undermining the unity of the ethnic group, the princess, very sensitive to her homeland, has sent her heartfelt appeal: Stop the war of succession for the good of unity.

But illness has been his first enemy for months. On the night of September 1st the Princess was transported to the hospital after falling ill due to complications from the severe otolaryngologist infection. Now followed by her medical team, her conditions are reassuring, she reassured the Palace a month ago after a day of intense apprehension about her hospitalization due to a collapse. Emergency delivery in an ambulance then discharged, conditions were given stable. Just a week before, Prince Albert and the twins Jacques and Gabriella (after the first South African trip in June) they had caught up with it again: an opportunity for the prince to talk to the doctors, before returning home for the start of school.

In the height of summer, on August 13, the princess had been subjected a major operation fortunately went well – as he let the Courier service the prince – and now rests while with the children we think of her with such tenderness. So Albert II spoke for the first time about his wife’s health. Health on which he recently returned with Radio Montecarlo assuring that everything is being done so that his return to Monaco is as soon as possible. Although, obviously, the times will dictate the health conditions of the mother of the twins who in the meantime flew to Ireland with their father Alberto in recent weeks. the homeland of the Kelly family, the family of grandmother Grace who they never knew.


October 9, 2021 (change October 9, 2021 | 17:19)

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