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Princess Märtha Louise and Leah Isadora Behn:

Saturday was a big day for the royal family, when Princess Märtha Louise and the late Ari Behn’s daughter, Leah Isadora (15), were confirmed in Jar church.

The confirmant arrived at the church shortly before the ceremony began, along with his mother and sisters Maud Angelica (17) and Emma Tallulah (11).

Photo: NTB Scanpix” alt=”BIG DAY: Lørdag ble Leah Isadora konfirmert i Jar kirke. Her i anledning kongeparets 25-årsjubileum i 2016. Foto: NTB Scanpix” class=”” srcset=”https://dbstatic.no/72793551.jpg?imageId=72793551&x=16.83078799249531&y=21.96339434276206&cropw=66.04127579737336&croph=78.03660565723793&width=704&height=938&compression=70 640w,https://dbstatic.no/72793551.jpg?imageId=72793551&x=16.267942583732&y=24.893917963225&cropw=66.028708133971&croph=71.711456859972&width=402&height=493&compression=80 1024w,https://dbstatic.no/72793551.jpg?imageId=72793551&x=16.267942583732&y=24.893917963225&cropw=66.028708133971&croph=71.711456859972&width=414&height=507&compression=80 1240w” src=”https://dbstatic.no/72793551.jpg?imageId=72793551&x=16.267942583732&y=24.893917963225&cropw=66.028708133971&croph=71.711456859972&width=414&height=507″/>
BIG DAY: On Saturday, Leah Isadora was confirmed in Jar Church. Here on the occasion of the royal couple’s 25th anniversary in 2016. Photo: NTB Scanpix
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For infection control reasons, there were limited places inside the church, and only those closest to them were allowed to attend the ceremony.

The royal couple were also present in the church, before leaving for the party, which was held at the restaurant and banquet hall Hvalstrand bad in Asker. Here they could enjoy a better meal and a stunning panoramic view of the Oslo Fjord.

– So proud of you

On Sunday afternoon, Princess Märtha Louise shares warm words about her daughter on the occasion of the big day.

“My wonderful and talented daughter Leah Isadora was confirmed yesterday. You were so beautiful in your new “bunad”. I’m so proud of you, my friend “, Märtha writes initially to photos of the 15-year-old.

Furthermore, the princess writes that the daughter dares to follow her dreams and intuition, and that she has inherited her artistic side from her father, grandparents and great-grandparents on both sides.

“I love how loving and genuine you are with your feelings, I love your humor and your joking side. I love everything about you “, she continues, and adds that the father, the late Ari Behn, would be very proud of the daughter.

– A lot at once

Leah Isadora Behn was born on April 8 over 15 years ago on the family’s country estate. Crown Prince Haakon had already informed the President of the Storting that the girl’s name would be Leah Isadora Behn.

Märtha and Ari’s firstborn, Maud Angelica, joined this big sister.

While a royal birth is something big for the whole country, ordinary births also for that matter, an unusual amount happened in the Norwegian royal family at the same time as little Leah Isadora was born.

Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB Scanpix” alt=”BAPTISM: Leah Isadora ble døpt i Slottskapellet 16. juni 2005. Her på pappa Aris fang. Storesøster Maud Angelica sitter hos mamma Märtha Louise. Foto: Lise Åserud / NTB Scanpix” class=”” srcset=”https://dbstatic.no/72793562.jpg?imageId=72793562&x=0&y=0&cropw=100&croph=100&width=760&height=434&compression=70 640w,https://dbstatic.no/72793562.jpg?imageId=72793562&x=4.4210526315789&y=0&cropw=87.157894736842&croph=100&width=402&height=578&compression=80 1024w,https://dbstatic.no/72793562.jpg?imageId=72793562&x=4.4210526315789&y=0&cropw=87.157894736842&croph=100&width=414&height=596&compression=80 1240w” src=”https://dbstatic.no/72793562.jpg?imageId=72793562&x=4.4210526315789&y=0&cropw=87.157894736842&croph=100&width=414&height=596″/>
BAPTISM: Leah Isadora was baptized in the Castle Chapel on June 16, 2005. Here on her father Aris’ lap. Big sister Maud Angelica is sitting with mother Märtha Louise. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB Scanpix
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See and Hear royal house expert, Caroline Vagle, told earlier this year that grandfather King Harald was on sick leave after a heart operation, while grandmother Queen Sonja was at the pope’s funeral.

– In fact, she received a message from her daughter that Leah was born as she was on her way out of the church, the royal house expert told Dagbladet.

Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB scanpix” alt=”GODMOTHER: Dronning Sonja bar Leah Isadora til dåpen i 2005. Her var dronningen med barnebarnet i 2017. Foto: Lise Åserud / NTB scanpix” class=”” srcset=”https://dbstatic.no/72793549.jpg?imageId=72793549&x=0&y=2.49759846301633&cropw=100&croph=62.28893058161351&width=704&height=664&compression=70 640w,https://dbstatic.no/72793549.jpg?imageId=72793549&x=0&y=2.4975984630163&cropw=100&croph=62.247838616715&width=666&height=628&compression=80 1024w,https://dbstatic.no/72793549.jpg?imageId=72793549&x=0&y=2.4975984630163&cropw=100&croph=62.247838616715&width=689&height=649&compression=80 1240w” src=”https://dbstatic.no/72793549.jpg?imageId=72793549&x=0&y=2.4975984630163&cropw=100&croph=62.247838616715&width=689&height=649″/>
GODMOTHER: Queen Sonja wore Leah Isadora to the baptism in 2005. Here was the queen with her granddaughter in 2017. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB scanpix
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Crown Prince Haakon, who was regent at the time, went to Britain on the same day with Crown Princess Mette-Marit.

– The two were to be guests at the wedding of Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla, who stood the day after Leah’s birth, Vagle explained.

Name selection

However, the unusual time in the royal family calmed down again, and a few months later, on June 16 to be exact, the stage was set for baptism in the Castle Chapel in the capital.

Queen Sonja, who is among the sponsors of the confirmant, carried the main character herself to the baptism. The other sponsors are Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands, Gry Brusletto, Katharina Salbu, Espen Bjørshol, Didrik Vigsnæs and Jon Andreas Håtun.

FUNNY: Princess Ingrid Alexandra received a laughable response when she gave a speech during the royal confirmation lunch. Video: NRK.
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In an interview with Aftenposten, which was published the same day, Märtha Louise revealed that it was Ari who took the initiative for her daughter’s name.

– He has always been fascinated by the life and tragic death of the dancer Isadora Duncan. He has also traveled extensively in the Middle East, and Leah comes from there. Then I have to admit that I have always been a big “Star Wars” fan, and Princess Leia has always been the most beautiful in the whole world, the princess said

Royal house expert Caroline Vagle is sure that the 48-year-old also thinks her daughter is one of the most beautiful in the world.

– Many people probably think that Princess Märtha Louise and Ari chose special names for their children, but it is first and foremost the combination Leah Isadora that is unusual in this case. The name Leah was a name that was at full speed on the way up on the popularity scale at the time, Vagle explained.

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