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Video: Prinzessin Madeleine meldet sich endlich wieder aus Florida","sources":[["Gala"]],"hiddenSources":[["Wochit"]],"technicalTags":["inMSNFeed"]},"timeoutMillis":10000,"redirectCount":12,"posterImage":"https://image.gala.de/22414848/t/8s/v5/w960/r1.7778/-/prinzessin-madeleine.jpg","length":"PT1M6S","disableAutoplay":false,"adZone":"royals"}">
Madeleine and Chris always have space to accommodate Victoria, Daniel, Estelle, 9, and Oscar, 5: According to the Swedish newspaper “Svenskdam”, their villa should be over 600 square meters and have 15 bedrooms.
Will Princess Victoria dare to take the step?
Whether the Crown Princess family will actually take the chance and fly to America during the autumn vacation is still in the stars. The royals behaved very carefully during the corona crisis and avoided long trips. In addition, the number of positive corona cases in Florida is rising steadily – one more reason to postpone a reunion a little longer. Even if it is hard.
The Swedish royal family last saw each other in the summer, Madeleine and her family spent a few weeks at home.
Source used: svenskdam.se