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Princess Charlène: Instagram post as a hidden indication of her return?

Furstin Charlene
Foundation announces big event – hidden indication of their return?

© Pascal Le segretain / Gala

Where is Princess Charlène? And when is she finally coming home? Questions Royal fans have been asking for months. A new Instagram post from Charlène’s foundation now gives hope for a comeback in June.

Princess Charlene, 44, is missing in Monaco. Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques, both 7, miss their mother, Prince Albert, 63, longs for his wife and the people of the small city-state also need their princess. But when the 44-year-old can finally leave her secret place of recovery and return to Monaco is still uncertain. Albert recently spoke of an “imminent return home”, but the regent did not want to commit to an exact date.

Princess Charlène: sporty comeback in summer?

However, an indication of a comeback in Monaco could be the “Riviera Water Bike Challenge”, which is supported every year by Charlène’s “Fondation Princesse Charlène”. The charity organization is now announcing the event on Instagram with great anticipation: “The Riviera Water Bike Challenge will take place again in 2022! This sporting event will take place on June 5th from the Yacht Club de Monaco,” says the official account. “Participants, along with prominent athletes, will form teams of five for a watercycle relay race in the port of Monaco to raise funds for the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation’s drowning prevention projects.”

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French media and Royal fans are now betting that the princess will present herself to the public again at this sporting event. Some are even so optimistic and speculate that Charlène will already show up on the weekend of May 28th and 29th, 2022 to attend the Formula One Grand Prix in Monaco. The Princess has rarely missed this event in recent years.

Health problems separate Charlène from her family

Princess Charlène was separated from her family for more than six months in 2021, a serious ear, nose and throat infection made it impossible to return to Monaco. The mother of two had to stay in South Africa and undergo various operations. When she was finally able to hug her children again on November 8, 2021, the joy and relief was great.

But the family happiness was not to last long. A few days later, the palace announced that Charlène had to recover from the health conditions of recent months outside the principality. “She was clearly exhausted, physically and mentally. She was overwhelmed and could not face her official duties, life in general or even family life,” revealed Prince Albert shortly afterwards in an interview with the US magazine “People”.

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At the Formula 1 in Monaco 2011

Since then, Charlène’s recovery seems to have been going well, the palace reveals in irregular health updates. When exactly and if the princess will wave again from the balcony of the palace, the royal family prefers to keep to itself. Recently, insiders claimed that the former swimmer is currently considering moving and planning her life outside of Monaco…

Sources used: instagram.com, voici.fr, palais.mc, people.com


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