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Prince’s Day 2022 in 17 videos

News from the NOSyesterday, 21:59

Prinsjesdag revolves around the speech from the throne, the count of millions, the reactions to those documents, the car tour and this year also the protest. We have collected here the videos of this day. Watch the summary video or scroll through the video list.


Are you lost or do you see again? It was Prince’s Day 2022

After two years of the crown, there was another car tour and balcony scene this year. And it was Amalia’s first Budget Day.

In the Speech from the Throne, the king dwelt extensively on the problems of the country. Watch the entire speech from the throne here.


Watch the entire speech from the throne here

We saw the speech from the throne with Natasja Bruns, she has money problems and difficulties paying her energy bill. What did he think of the king’s story?


Natasja Bruns: “I’m not going to dance yet, but I feel some relief after the speech from the throne”

A reporter from the NOS interviewed reactions to the million dollar bill and the Speech from the Throne in The Hague Central all day.

The reactions of the opposition to the government’s plans have been clear: it is too little, too late.


This is what the opposition to the Budget Day plans thinks

Minister Kaag was allowed to enter the House of Representatives for the first time with the briefcase. Outside the House, Prime Minister Rutte responded to the protests and explained plans for 2023. And Minister Jetten explained the price cap.

And finally, inevitably on Prinsjesdag, the hats.


Hats, dresses and shoes on the day of the prince


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