52 minutes ago
Prince William
Prince William and Kate Middleton are trying their best to maintain the image of an ideal couple. But it has long been no secret that this marriage is bursting at the seams.
A couple of years ago, Meghan Markle told the whole world that William was unfaithful to Kate. Allegedly, the prince started an affair with one of his wife’s friends and got drunk because of the impossibility of leaving Middleton. Whether this is true or not, the royal gossips are still arguing, but for a while, Kate’s girlfriend, who got into a scandal, was exiled away from the palace.
But there are two confirmed facts in the prince’s biography when he exchanged Catherine for another. About the love of William and Jackie Craig wrote more than once, but it is customary to keep silent about the second beauty, and for a reason. The family of this girl is very powerful and follows the reputation.
However, it is known that in 2007, when William and Kate broke up, the prince was not going to return to Middleton. During that period, the heir to the throne met another, and she won the heart of the prince.
Royal author Cathy Nicholl, in her book William and Harry, said that the head of the son of Charles III was turned by a socialite of unearthly beauty Isabella Anstruther-Goch-Kalsorp. The young people had known each other for a long time, but since William always appeared in companies with Kate, he simply did not have the opportunity to get to know Isabella better. One conversation was enough for the prince to fall in love.
“While Kate was just the pretty ‘girl next door’, Isabella boasted a cover model’s looks, a title and a big dowry,” writes Nicholl.
William was sure that Anstruther-Goch-Kalsorp was the one and did not hesitate. The prince proposed to Isabella. But the wise girl rejected the hand and heart of the heir to the throne. She preferred quiet family happiness to life in the palace with the son of billionaire Richard Branson Sam.
The heir to the British crown grieved, and returned to Kate. Middleton accepted William back, but set the condition that the prince had to cut off all contacts with Isabella. But, Catherine could not erase the girls from the life of William forever. Soon, Prince Harry began dating Anstruther-Goh-Kalsorp’s sister, model Cressida Bonas.