entertainment">“This year Mother’s Day is different again,” Kensington Palace shares on Instagram on behalf of the family. “Many of us are separated from our loved ones, but look forward to the moment in the near future when we can cuddle our mother again. But those with a deceased mother will have a particularly difficult time today. ”
entertainment">Attached are the drawings that George, Charlotte in Louis for their grandmother, princess Diana, have made. “My dear granny Diana, have a nice Mother’s Day. I love you very much and always think of you, much love from George ”, says the work of art of the eldest scion of William and Catherine. He has drawn a tree with the sun, mountains and birds in the background.
entertainment">“I think about you on Mother’s Day. I love you very much, daddy misses you ”, writes his sister Charlotte under a large brightly colored heart. Louis also colored a heart with paint and also decorated his coloring page with animal stickers. He has no message for his grandmother, but he has signed his work.
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